"We have a surprise for you."

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*Maddy's pov*

It's 9:00 at night,and I am in my room watching TV in one of my favorite pajamas.

It's 9:00 at night,and I am in my room watching TV in one of my favorite pajamas

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Evie said not to go to sleep because they had a surprise for me.But it's hard not to,I just can't keep my eyes open.I slowly started to close my eyes,and after a few minutes of going to sleep I heard whispering.I already knew who was in my room.

Evie: "I told her not to go to sleep."

Jay: "Hey,I think she has the right idea."

Mal: "No,we just finished the surprise."

While the whispering continued even though they weren't very quiet,I felt someone kiss my head.By the way it made my heart speed up,I can tell who it was.

Ben: "Wake up,sweetie."

I smiled when Ben called me that,so I wanted to be cute for him.

Me: "Nope,I'm not getting up.I'm dreaming."

He chuckles at me,making me smile more.

Ben: "Ok,my dreamer.How about this,when I count to three you open your eyes."

I giggled.

Me: "Maybe I will,maybe I won't."

He kissed my head again.

Ben: "Please,for me?"

Me: "Ok."

Ben: "One..two..three."

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful cake infront of me.

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful cake infront of me

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Everyone: "Surprise!"

I laughed and hugged everyone,but I kissed Ben on the cheek.

Me: "It's a beautiful cake,almost to beautiful to eat."

Carlos: "Oh,we also have these."

It was a beautiful bouquet of three different unique flowers.

It was a beautiful bouquet of three different unique flowers

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They were beautiful,I love the colors

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They were beautiful,I love the colors.

Me: "I love them."

Mal: "You have more presents."

I saw a couple more gift's.

Me: "Yay!"

I ran to the gift's while everyone laughs at my eagerness.After two hours,we were all tired.I had my head on Ben's shoulder.

Mal: "Well,I think we should go to bed."

Me: "Ok,thanks for the presents and cake."

Everyone left but Ben,we cuddled up on my bed wrapped in each others arms.

Everyone left but Ben,we cuddled up on my bed wrapped in each others arms

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