Mad Hatter's Story

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(Back To Ben)

The four teens look around the table, after the guard's left.

Mally: "Good thing the bloodhound is one of us or you four would be..."

She slide her hand across her neck, but the four got the idea.The Hatter made a silent 'Shut up' sign.

Ben: "What do they want with me?"

The Hare kept flinching.

Hare: "Wait a minute,best take them to the White Queen.They'll be safe there."

He looks at the spoon.

Hare: "Spoon..."

The Hatter took off his hat and placed it in front of them.

Mad Hatter: "Your carriage,lady's and gentlemen."

Evie: "The hat?"

Mad Hatter: "Of course.Anyone can go by horse or rail, but the best way to travel is by hat.Have I made a rhyme?"

Ben quickly got on with the other three following him, while Mally and the March Hare laugh.

Mally: "Oh, I love traveling by hat."

Mad Hatter: "Mally.Just these four, please.Fairfarren, all."

He got up smiling, the Hare threw a cup while he wasn't looking but he dodged it anyway.
(In the woods)

The Mad Hatter walked with Ben and his friends on his hat.He started speaking with a deep voice.

Mad Hatter: "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outrabe"

Mal rolled off the hat and was now hanging onto the hat.

Mal: "Sorry, what was that?"

Mad Hatter: "What was what?"

The other three where on his hat while Mal was on his shoulder.

Mad Hatter: "The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame
Jaws that bite and claws that catch!
Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
And the frumious Bandersnatch!
He took his Vorpal sword in hand
The Vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back"

He looked at Ben, who just sat down on his other shoulder.

Mad Hatter: "It's all about you,you know.And my little Hatter."

Ben didn't want to slay anything,he was thinking about finding it and get the two ingredients while it slept.

Ben: "I'm not slaying anything.I don't slay, so put it out of your mind."

The Mad Hatter stopped and looked down.

Mad Hatter: "Mind."

He suddenly took the four teenagers and sat them down, and started walking.

Ben: "Wait! You can't leave us here!"

The Mad Hatter looked at them.

Mad Hatter: "You don't slay.Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done? You don't slay."

Ben: "I couldn't if I wanted to."

He walked up to Ben while the other's watched.

Mad Hatter: "Your not how Maddy said you were.She said you were much more muchier.You've lost your muchness."

Ben: "My "muchness"?"

The Mad Hatter points to Bens heart.

Mad Hatter: "In there.Something's missing."

Ben: "Tell us what the Red Queen has done."

The Mad Hatter's face fell into sadness.

Mad Hatter: "It's not a pretty story."

Ben: "Tell us anyway."

Ben watched with sadness in his eye's as he watched Maddy's dad look around.

Mad Hatter: "It was here....I was hatter to the White Queen at the time.Hightopp clan have always been employed at court.Maddy's mom was sister to the White and Red Queen.She was offered the crown but refused and gave it to her little sister,the White Queen.My love was called the Beautiful Rainbow,all because she loved every color and because of her rainbow hair.She gave up the crown, just so she could marry me.On Frabjous Day is also the day my little Mandy was born.One of my friends played with Mandy while her mother slept.Then the Jabberwock came, burnt everything down.I lost the love of my life that day, I thought I had lost my baby girl too.But I heard a baby cry and I found her with a body covering her and over her little crib."

He spaced out for a couple of seconds.But after Ben shouted he snapped out of it,after talking a little bit more they were being chased by the Red Knights.The Mad Hatter told them how to get to the White Queens castle.He threw the hat with them on it and let himself get captured.

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