The Red Queen Castle

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The four teens were sleeping under The Mad Hatter's hat.After a while they woke up to a sniffing sound,when they got up they saw the hat bring lifted up by a dog.

Mal: "You were supposed to lead them away! The Hatter trusted you!"

Dog: "They have my wife and pups."

Ben: "What's your name?"

Dog: "Bayard."

Carlos looked at him.

Carlos: "Sit."

He sat down but then looked at Ben.

Bayard: "Would your name be Ben,by any chance?"

Ben: "Yes,but where did they take him?"

Bayard: "To the Red Queen's castle at Salazen Grum."

Ben walks up to him.

Ben: "We're going to rescue him."

Bayard: "That is not foretold."

Ben: "I don't care.He wouldn't be there if it weren't for us."

Bayard: "The Frabjous Day is almost upon us.You must prepare to meet the Jabberwocky."

May,Evie and Carlos looked at Ben.

Ben: "From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole,I've been told what I must do and who I must be.I've been shrunk,stretched,scratched and stuffed into a teapot.I have a list of ingredients and can not understand some of them.This is my life,I'll decide where it goes from here."

Bayard: "If you diverge from the path..."

Ben: "I make the path."

Bayard lays down then Ben and the others climb on his head.

Ben: "Take us to Salazen Grum,Bayard,and don't forget the hat."

On the way there Ben and Mal agreed that they would go into the castle.Evie and Carlos go with Bayard,to the White Queen.When they got to a wall they were shocked because the water was full of head's.Ben and Mal jumped down.

Bayard: "There's only one way across."

Mal looked alittle worried but Ben looked determined.

Ben: "Lost my muchness,have I?"

Mal smirked because Ben sounded just like Maddy.They jumped across the head's then looked for a hole.Mal found one then looked at Bayard.

Mal: "Bayard!The hat!"

Bayard threw the hat over the wall,while Ben and Mal went through the hole.They walked to a thorn bush and saw a lot of people,they watched a the red queen took a flamingo in her hands.

Mal: "She's got a big head."

Ben: "And what is she doing with that flamingo?"

Suddenly a hedgehog went flying past them,causing them to run after it.They found the hedgehog and started to untie it,but it kept making a lot of sounds.

Ben: "Shhh.We want to help you."

When they got the hedgehog free McTwisp came.

McTwisp: "Ben,Mal.What are you two doing here?"

Mal: "We've come to rescue the Hatter."

McTwisp: "You two are not rescuing anyone being the size of a gerbil."

Ben: "Well,do you have any more of that cake that made us grow before?"

McTwisp: "Upelkuchen? Actually,I might have some left."

He gave them the cake,both took a couple of bites.

McTwisp: "Not all of it!"

They dropped it when both of their body's start to grow.But they grew past their normal height.

McTwisp: "Oh,no.Stop,please.Stop.Don't do that!"

When they did stop growing,both had grew out of there clothes.Lucky for them two rose tree's blocked their views.

???: "Page!"

They looked up and saw the Red Queen.

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