The Red Queen's Hatter

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*Ben's view*

Me and Mal are outside trying to find the Mad Hatter's hat.I walked up to the hedgehog we saved.

Me: "Have you seen a hat around here?"

I knew I was starting to sound like Maddy,and that's not a bad thing.I watch the hedgehog point to a certain spot,when I looked at the spot I saw the hat.

Me: "Thanks."

I walked over to it and picked it up,and smiled.
*3rd view*

The Red Queen is in her room talking to her loyal knight.

Red Queen: "We must find Ben,Shayne.He is the only one that can awaken my little niece,and she will be my down fall...Without the Jabberwocky,my sister's followers will surely rise against me."

She walks out to her balcony.

Red Queen: "Ugly little sister.Why do they adore her and not me?"

Shayne: "I cannot fathom it.You are far superior in all ways."

McTwisp sneaks into her room,and takes the oracal and some of the Red Queen's hair from her brush.But he quickly hides when he sees them turning their heads.

Red Queen: "I know.But Mirana can make anyone fall in love with her.Men,woman,even the furniture."

Stayne: "Even the King?"

She looks at him then down at the river of head's,she spots her husband's head.Then she looks up.

Red Queen: "I had to do it.He would have left me....Lianna,she was superior then me.I'm not afraid to admit that."

Stayne: "Lianna?"

Red Queen: "My older sister by one year.She would always tell me that it doesn't matter what people say about my head,because she thought I was beautiful the way I was.I have always adored her,but then she fell in love with a Hatter.She even gave up her crown for him,I got mad when mommy and daddy gave Miranna the crown and not me."

McTwisp finally got a clear chance to run and that is what he did.

Stayne: "Majesty,is it not better to be feared than loved?"

Red Queen: "Not certain anymore....Oh,let her have the rabble.I don't need them.I have you."

She hugs Stayne while he rolls his eyes.
*Ben's view*

I walked into the room they kept Maddy's dad in.I saw him smile at me which I smiled in return.I saw all the hats he made,Mal look at them in a awe.

Me: "They're wonderful."

Mal: "Yeah,you must let me try one on."

He looks at us while smiling.

Hatter: "It is good to be working at my trade again."

Me: "It's just a pity you have to make them for her."

I watch him stop working.

Hatter: "What is the hatter with me?..Hatter?"

We watch him walk away from us then he pushed some stuff onto the floor,then take's off his apron.I got up real quick and grabbed him by his shoulders.

Me: "Hatter!"

He looks at me with a sad look in his eyes.

Hatter: "Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk? I'm frightened,Ben.I don't like it in here.It's terribly crowded.Have I gone mad?"

I remember when I said something like that to Maddy on one of our dates,then she put her hand on my forehead then say a line.So,I put one of my hands on his forehead then back on his shoulder.Then said the same thing she said to me.

Me: "I'm afraid so.You're entirely bonkers.But I'll tell you a secret.All the best people are."

That got him to smile.

Hatter: "That sounds like something my little hatter would say."

I smiled then picked up his hat.

Me: "Because she said that to me one time...Here."

I placed his hat on his head.

Me: "That's better.You look yourself again."

I knew me and her dad are starting to grow a father and son bond,and that's good.But that moment was ruined when we heard the Red Queen yell for her hat's.

Hatter: "I'm told she keeps the Vorpal sword and the main ingredients hidden in the castle.The rabbit will help you.Find them,Ben and Mal.Take them to the White Queen."

Mal: "We'll go to the White Queen together."

He smiles at us.

Hatter: "Why is it you're always too small or too tall?"

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