Inside The Red Castle

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*Ben's view*

I looked at McTwisp in confusion,so did Mal.He just kept looking up at us.

McTwisp: "Oh,dear."

He jumped through a bush and stood next to the Red Queen.

Red Queen: "And what is this?"

McTwisp: "It...It's a "who," Majesty.This is,Maggy and um.."

Red Queen: "Maggy and Um?"

I looked at Mal for help,which she quickly answered.

Mal: "From Umbradge."

Red Queen: "What happened to your clothes?"

It was my turn to answer.

Me: "We outgrew them.We've been growing an awful lot lately.We tower over everyone in Umbradge.They laugh at us.So we've come to you,hoping you might understand what it's like."

Red Queen: "My dear children,anyone with head's that large is welcome in my court.Someone find them some clothes!Use the curtains if you must,but clothe these enormous kids."
After they made us some clothes from the curtains,we walked next to the Red Queen.She walked up to her throne and took a seat.

Red Queen: "I need a pig here!"

I saw a live pig run under her feet,then flopped on it's back.

Red Queen: "I love a warm pig belly for my aching feet.Would you two like one?"

Mal shook her head no.

Me: "No,thank you."

Red Queen: "Sit."

We looked at the chairs and saw them being held up by monkey's.

Red Queen: "Sit!"

I looked at the monkey's with an apologetic look,then sat down.

Red Queen: "Leave us!"

Everyone left the room.

Red Queen: "Where are my fat boy's?You two must meet them.Fat Boys!"

We look around and saw Tweedle Twins.

Red Queen: "Oh.There they are.Aren't they adorable?They have the oddest way of speaking.Speak,boys.Amuse us."

They looked at me and Mal in confusion,then I shook my head no.

Red Queen: "Speak!"

Tweedle Dee: "Is that being..."

Tweedle Dum: "No,no,it isn't.Not a bit.No."

Tweedle Dee: "Contrariwise,I believe it's so."

Tweedle Dum: "No,it ain't so,nohow!"

The Red Queen giggles.

Red Queen: "I love my fat boy's.Now,get out."

This is way to boring.

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