Frabjous Day!

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*Maddy's view*

Darkness surrounds me,I can hear voices.I could hear my family and friends talking to me but I could not answer.I figured out that Mal asked her mother to do this to me,but that was before we talked about everything.....I forgive her.Finally I can move but something was off,I couldn't hear anybody's voice's anymore.When I opened my eyes all I saw was white,I looked down and saw I was in a beautiful black dress with a black hat.I walked over to the window and saw a beautiful view,I knew where I was because apart of my heart told me I was home.I started walking down a hall but stopped when I saw a room with a LH on it.When I opened it I was all kinds of colors,I saw a book on the bed so I started to read it.I quickly realized that this was my mother's journal.
*Ben's view*

I stood next to everyone,we were watching the queen's talk.

White Queen: "Hello,Iracebeth."

Red Queen: "Hello,Mirana."

McTwisp starts talking which starts to get me nervous.

McTwisp: "On this,the Frabjous Day,the Queens Red and White shall send forth their champions to do battle on their behalf."

White Queen: "Oh,Racie.We don't have to fight."

Red Queen: "I know what you're doing.You think you can blink those pretty little eyes and I'll melt,just like Mummy and Daddy did.Lirana saw right through that trick because she did it too,but she didn't do it all the time."

I watched the White Queen hold out her arm.

White Queen: "Please."

I saw the Red Queen hesitate for a second then snap out of it.

Red Queen: "No!It is my crown!I am the second eldest!Jabberwocky!"

As they separated my eyes went big when I saw the Jabberwocky.The others looked scared too.

Me: "This is impossible."

Hatter: "Only if you believe it is."

I thought of something Maddy told me about herself,and I started doing the same.

Me: "Sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Hatter: "That is an excellent practice.However,just at the moment,you really might want to focus on the Jabberwocky."

I see the Red Queen turn around while smiling.

Red Queen: "Where's your champion,Sister?"

I finally got the courage to walk out to face that thing.

Me: "Here."

Red Queen: "Hello,Um."

As I walked closer to the Jabberwocky,I started talking to myself.

Me: "Six impossible things.Count them,Ben.One,there's a potion that can make you shrink.Two,and a cake that can make you grow."

I stood in front of the Jabberwocky.

Jabberwocky: "So,my old for,we meet on the battlefield once again."

I looked at him confused.

Me: "We've never met."

Jabberwocky: "Not you,insignificant bearer.My ancient enemy,the Vorpal one."

I looked at him irritated.

Me: "That's enough chatter."

I quickly cut of his tongue,then next thing I know he hit me with his tail.As I looked up my eyes went wide again because near the rocks I saw Maddy looking at me.I saw her mouth 'Keep counting.' to me,so that is what I did.

Me: "Three,animals can talk."

I rolled out from underneath his claw,then stopped.

Me: "Four,Ben,"

I got up.

Me: "cats can disappear."

I started swinging my sword at him,then went behind my shield as he fired electric at me.

Me: "Five,there's actually a place called Underland.Six,we can slay the Jabberwocky."

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