Going Back

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*Maddy's pov*

Today we are finally going back to Auradon.It is going to be hard to say goodbye to my dad,he was always been there for me when I needed him.I have a few hours left,so I quickly got dressed.

I have a few hours left,so I quickly got dressed

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Then I ran to the garden where my dad is.I smile when I see him talking to Ben,both were smiling while dad handed something to him.Then Ben walked to me smiling.

Me: "Hey sweetie."

Ben: "Hey beautiful."

Me: "So what did you and daddy talk about?And what did he give you?"

He chuckled while kissing my hair.

Ben: "You'll see."

Then he left me alone with my dad,who stood there smiling with his arms wide open.Of course I ran into his arms.

Me: "I'm going to miss you daddy."

Dad: "I'm going to miss you too,my little hatter..But we will see each other again."

We sat down and had our tea while he told me stories of him and my mom.They were crazy in love,how romantic.We somehow ended up in a food fight,so after we were done I went to wash up.

After I got dressed I ran to the back of the kingdom,and saw everyone there

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After I got dressed I ran to the back of the kingdom,and saw everyone there.I stood next to Ben with our hands together.We were in a very colorful garden,it is beautiful.My Auntie walks to us smiling.

Mal: "Where are we?"

Auntie: "This was Liranna's secret garden.It has every flower known to man,along with some she made."

Evie: "Did she use magic?"

She smiles at us even more.

Auntie: "That was another thing she perfected growing up."

She walked to a beautiful tree.

She walked to a beautiful tree

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Me: "It's beautiful."

Auntie: "I know,and this is also your way home."

We looked closer and saw a door.

We opened the door and there was Auradon's garden

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We opened the door and there was Auradon's garden.While everyone said goodbye,I started to tear up when I got to my dad.I threw myself into his arms.

Me: "I love you,daddy."

Dad: "I love you too,my little hatter...and this isn't goodbye.If you ever want to visit,all you have to do is think about Underland then touch your necklace."

Me: "What will happen?"

Dad: "It will make a magical door for here."

I hugged him one more time,then we went through the door.

In Wonderland (Sequel to Crazy Love)Where stories live. Discover now