To Marmoreal!

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*Ben's view*

Me and Mal tried to Maddy's dad free but the guards came before we could,so now we are surrounded by guards.When they grabbed us a roar was heard,they stepped back when the Bandersnatch came running out.It stopped right in front of me.Me and Mal climbed on it's back,then it run out the from gate.We stopped when we saw Bayard,who looked us in realization.

Bayard: "Oh,Ben!"

Me: "Bayard!To Marmoreal."

He quickly starts running in the direction and we followed him.After a few two hours,I started noticing pink cherry blossom trees and then a white castle.I quickly jumped off when we stopped,Mal quickly followed me as we walked to the White Queen.We smiled when she greeted us warmly.

White Queen: "Welcome to Marmoreal."

I held out the sword to her.

Me: "I believe this belongs to you."

She held it up with a smile.

White Queen: "The Vorpal sword is home again."

She placed the sword with a set of armor.

White Queen: "The armor is complete."

Then she turns around and looks at us.

White Queen: "Now all we need is a champion......You got the ingredients?"

I quickly got the out of my pocket and gave them to her.She gently put them a little bag then looked at us.

White Queen: "You two are a little taller than I thought you'd be."

Mal answers before I could.

Mal: "Blame it on too much upelkuchen."

White Queen: "Oh.Come with me."

We followed her,and when she opened a door she quickly ducked while walking in.We saw some soup on the door.

Me: "Is the March Hare here?"

We watched as he came hopping around a corner,while he did that I put my finger in the soup on the door.

March Hare: "You're late for your soup,you wee besom."

I tasted the soup.

Me: "Could use some salt."

He threw the salt at us,which we both dodged.Now we are sitting in front of the White Queen.We looked at the all kinds of ingredients on the table.

White Queen: "Pishsalver.Let me think."

She grabs a vial while smiling.

White Queen: "A pinch of worm fat,urine of the horsefly,"

She picks up a finger.

White Queen: "Butter fingers....My sister preferred to study Dominion Over Living Things."

While she mix's some stuff up,she looks at us.

White Queen: "Tell me,how does she seem to you two?"

Me: "Perfectly horrid."

White Queen: "And her head?"

Mal: "Bulbous."

White Queen: "I think she may have some kind of growth in there,something pressing on her brain.Three coins from a dead man's pocket,two teaspoons of wishful thinking."

Mal: "You can't imagine the things that go on in that place."

White Queen: "Oh,yes,I can.But when a champion steps forth to slay the Jabberwocky,the people will rise against her."

I'm still not sure what I should do but I stopped thinking when I saw her spit in the potion.

White Queen: "That should do it."

She held out two spoons for us.

White Queen: "Blow."

We blew on it then drank it,then we stood up while shrinking down to our normal sizes.

White Queen: "Feel better?"

Me: "Much,thank you."

White Queen: "Come.Let's get you two all cleaned up,then we will go see your friends."

She showed us to our rooms,while looking around I saw two rooms with the letters 'MH' and 'LH'.

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