Night With Ben

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*Maddy's view*

After celebrating Frabjous Day and my birthday,I walked to my room.I took a bath and quickly changed,because knowing around this time I will be getting a visitor.

I took a bath and quickly changed,because knowing around this time I will be getting a visitor

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I smiled when there was a knock on the door,I quickly got to the door then opened it.There stood Ben,he was smiling real big with his left arm wrapped up in a sling.I smiled while dragging him into my room by his right hand.We sat down on my bed and began to talk.

Me: "What do you think of my home?"

Ben: "It's a very confusing place,that's for sure.....but I love it.There are alot of different types of..well,everything here."

I laughed.

Me: "Yeah,there is.So,tell me more about your guy's adventure."

He told me everything,even about his fake name.I couldn't stop laughing when he said what his fake name was.

Me: "I'm going to start calling you Um,now."

Ben: "No,you are not."

Me: "Yes,I am and you can't do anything about it...Um."

Ben: "You wanna bet?"

I screamed then jumped off my bed.I laughed while running around my room with Ben chasing me.

Ben: "I'm so going to get you."

Me: "You got to catch me first."

I ran around a small table while laughing.I laughed more when Ben's strong arm caught me by my waist.

Ben: "Gotcha!"

I turned around and put arm's around his neck.I kissed him on his lips,after a minute of kissing each other we pulled apart.

Ben: "I missed doing that."

I gave him a soft smile.

Me: "Me too."

We laid down,and fell asleep in each others arms.

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