First day of 6th Grade

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~First Day of 6th Grade~

Summer is over, but was a blast. I got to go to LA for most of it and visit my friends and parents. When I got back I spent most of my time running around the forest, with Elena, Grace, and Alicia.Though I did run into EJ a few times and that got pretty awkward, since all he would do was nod at me.

     I am excited to go back to school, I mean 6th grade means I am almost a middle school er! It also means I am a year away from teenager hood! Hehe. Though getting out of bed was the big problem... I didn't want to. I had slept in everyday during the summer and I was now not use to waking up early. Ashlee was not helping at all! She was laying on top of me, sound asleep.

     "Katerina, hurry up and get out of bed," Megan called from downstairs. I yelled back, "I am trying!!" I could just see her shaking her head, but she let me be. I carefully lifted Ashlee up off of me and set her on the floor. She did hiss at me, but I really didn't care as long as she was off of me. I rolled ouutof bed, landing with a THUMP on the ground and rolled on to my back.

     Grunting I stood up and went to my closed to grabbed a shirt. I had gone shopping while I was in LA, but most of those shirts were made for warmer weather. Though the sun was outside, did not make the weather much warmer. I grabbed a pair of jeans out of my dresser and while putting on my clothes I brushed my tangly hair out.

     Once I was dressed and ready I sprinted down the stairs. Almost running into a wall, having my shoulder only hitting it. "Are you okay?" asked Megan. I nodded, though my arm did hurt. She shook her head and said, "You're going to have to eat your breakfast on the way to school, you are too late getting ready." I snorted to myself, then quickly brushed my teeth. I put on my shoes and packed up my backpack as well. I am a good multitasker

     I ran into the door as I ran to the garage. "I am fine," I said opening the door to the jeep and jumping in. She started the car before she asked, "Why are you running into things today, Kat?" I laughed, shaking my head, I said, "I think things moved around today." She said no more until we got to school and all she said was bye.

     I ran to the sixth grade classroom just as the second bell rang. I opened the door and the teacher, which was a boy this year said, "Miss Katerina, nice of you to come to school on the first day." I could feel my face burning and a muttered, "Sorry." He nodded to me and walked to a seat the was in the middle of the classroom, but was also between Elena and EJ. Elena gave me a smile and EJ again just nodded to me. All I could do was try to listening to the teacher and not look over at EJ.

     At recess Elena said, "Why were you late?" I laughed and replied, "Getting out of bed was very difficult." Grace laughed and said, "You sure do like sitting next to EJ." I gave her a look and said, "Not my fault!" The four of us, Grace, Elena, Alicia, and I just snickered at that.

     At lunch EJ flagged me over to sit with him. Blushing I went over to the table he was sitting at. "Hi," i said a little awkwardly. He gave me a smile and said, "How was your summer, Katerina?" I was a little speechless at that question but I answered automatically, "It was great, I got to go to LA for a couple months, how about yours?" He shrugged and replied, "It was fine a little boring I must say." I frowned a little, "That's sad." He had been leaning forward and he just leaned back and shrugged, "What can a guy do about it?"

     I gave a slight smile and said, "Maybe get a girl to make it more fun." He arched an eyebrow and leaned quite close to my face. He said, "Will you be that girl, Katerina Tyler?" I bit my lip, feeling butterflys in my stomach, "I would, but it has to be slow, we are only in sixth grade." He nodded smirking, "I know, but starting slow, young can mean better older."

     I nodded and just like that I had a slow boyfriend on the first day of sixth grade!


                                                    Author's note

This is a sequel to My Life Flipped as you probably realized. This is just the first chapter, I hope you enjoy this one, I have some fun stuff planned


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