Chance of a life time

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It had been a week since Jen, Amanda, and Christen attacked me. Three restraining orders and groundings later; I felt safe.

     I had to have crutches, cause of my ankle, I also had a thing on my wrist, which should heal the fasts. Though my nose was another story. I won't need to do any work on it, but it will take awhile to heal up.

     It was a Saturday, as I crutch-ed my way through the streets of Forks to meet up with EJ outside of the town. I wasn't suppose to be out of the house, besides for school, so I had to be secretive. Once I had made it to where EJ and I had planned to meet I stopped. "Hey EJ," I said,while swinging on my crutches a little. "I hate seeing you like this, Katerina. You look to helpless," he replied. I felt heat come up to my cheeks and said, "Honestly I am fine, at leastI'll live!" He laughed lightly. I shook my head and said, "I can't thank your father enough for finding me and helping me."

     EJ cracked a smile at this and said, "Well you should, he is getting a little annoyed." I pouted, making EJ laugh again. "It's ok, your like a little broken dove." EJwas taller than me, which was unusual for boys at this age, since I was pretty tall myself. I had to lookup into his brilliant green eyes, which seemed full of joy and sorrow. I shook my head, feeling a little too dramatic love for sixth graders. I didn't really care though, he was my friend, no matter what. EJ cocked his head to the side, I hadn't realized I started laughing. I cover my mouth with my good hand and turned my face to the side.

     I felt hands gently turn my face. "No need to be shy little dove," he cooed. I felt like we were actors, playing from a script, and in the next scene we'd kiss. I knew that part wouldn't be played. I shyed lightly away from his touch and gave him a smile. Who knew one guy, could make me feel like a little girl, lost in a forest. "I have a question," he said. "Do you like being called Katerina or Kat better?" I laughed, a simple question, "I prefer Katerina, but you can call me Kat if you need to say my name in a rush. Also I don't mind being called Katherine. My mom used to call me that all the time."

     He smiled, though it looked kind of cocky, it was still beautiful. I felt like slapping myself, i was not in a romance novel! Love like this shouldn't happen this young! I couldn't help it though, it was all to real.

     When the perfect of times can be ruined by your phone ringing. I stuck out my tongue and grabbed my phone from my pocket. Looking at the caller ID I was not so surprised. "Hey, this is Katerina, not Renee." My family agent Lisa always called me first on accident and then my mom. "I know that, silly goose! I was trying to reach you in the first place." I was shocked, if she meant to call me, that would mean she found a roll for me to play. "oh really? Why?" I asked, honestly curious. 

     I could hear the smile in her voice as she said, "Well your parents showed an audition tape to a direct of a movie that is going to be shooting soon. The director loved it and wants you to become the lead!" I was chocked in shock, "Really? What is the movie called and about?" Lisa seemed to be jumping as she said, "It is called Book of Dreams. It is about this average girl who lives in Oregon. Her sister gives her this book about like the old western times when people were coming to Oregon as a settlement. As she is reading the book she gets drawn into it, like she is the main character. Also the stuff that is happening in the book is similar to the real life stuff she experiences." (This most likely won't ever be a real movie, not that it can't be, but don't expect it in the theaters, lol)

     If i wasn't in crutches I would have been jumping up and down. "I need to talk to my aunt and stuff, but my own opinion is that I would love to do it! I will call you back. Wait, when would we start shooting?" I heard papers shuffling on the other end and then she said, "In February of this coming year!" I felt my insides do a flip as I said, "Also where would we be shooting?" I heard another rustling of papers and she said, "Mostly Portland, Oregon. Though maybe a few scenes down in a studio in LA." I was smiling big, as though I had pudding face, and I said, "Ok great! I will get back to you as soon as I can fin my aunt."

     I hung up the phone, and turned to look at EJ. "So..." he said. "I can get to play a lead in a movie! Of course if Megan agrees," I said. "What about your parents? What would they say?" he asked. I wanted to laugh in his face, but I didn't, and said, "My parents are the ones who really got me the gig. I don't know why they didn't just call me, but whatever."

     Before I knew what I was doing, I took off on my crutches, as fast as I could. EJwas running beside me. "What are you doing?" he asked. " as...I can," I replied, though my breath was shortening because I had to use all my strengh to move as fast as I was. I slowed down and then stopped to catch my breath as we got into the start of my neighborhood. EJ patted my back lightly and I said, "I'm fine."

     Again I took off down the street and all the way to my home.

     We had beaten my aunt home and by the time she got there, EJ and I were playing a board game. I look up and said, "Hey Megan, what you've been up to?" She cocked her head and said, "I was getting your medication and doing some shopping." I smiled brightly at her and said, "I am sorry I didn't ask, but is it okay if EJ is over?" She laughed and nodded, walking into the kitchen. After a second she came out with a couple glasses of water and sat down in a chair opposite of us.

     I tooka drink of water before I said, "Lisa, my agent called, and said my parents had showed some director an audition tape of me. Also that the director wants me to be the lead in the movie." Her eyes sparkled at that and then she asked, "When would you start shooting and where." I gave her a sly smile and said, "We'd start shooting in February and mostly in Portland, Oregon and some scenes in a studio in LA." Her mouth tightened a little but I continued talking, "I know I am hurt, but I would be mostly better by then, also i know school comes first. Hey I can be home schooled or something like that while I am filming, right?"

     She laughed shaking her head, "Okay, okay I agree you may do this. We will set up something with your teacher and your right, you won't need crutches by then, only thing is your nose. But you have to also be careful with your ankle." I smiled a victorious smile and said, "I know I will, thank you so much!" She got up and gave me a gentle hug. I couldn't help myself, I gave EJ a big bear hug.

     I am winning, my life is gonna be great!

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