Whyy Jason??!!

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Bless my heart, that 7th grade was over and that the summer had begun. Of course I had enemies and friends throughout the school year, though the only ones I could trust were EJ, Alicia, Elena, Grace, and occasionally Olivia and Chase, Ej's brother and sister. I made it through with one fight, but it was only verbal. Though I found out some pretty interesting words that I never would repeat again.

     It was a Wednesday afternoon and EJ, Elena, and I were all goofing off at my house play boardgames like Sorry and Life. I had gotten a Wii for Christmas and at the moment we were mesmerized by the game Mario Cart Wii. Mature, right? I was so close to beating EJ but then he knocked me over the edge of one of the courses and won that one. We played for like two hours and then the doorbell rung.

     I said I would answer it and when i did I wished I would have left it shut and let it rung. Standing in the doorway was Jason. How he had managed to find my address, I would never know. My mouth gaped open at the sight of him. Pushing him more outside, I step with him, closing the door behind me. "What are you doing here?" I hissed at him. He smiled and said, "I wanted to visit you, is that so wrong, Katerina?" I scratched my nose and replied, "It is when I never gave you my address!"

     He shrugged and said, "I asked around and found it." I kicked the ground, "Whyy Jason??!! Are you like a stalker or something?" He arched an eyebrow and replied, "I am not a stalker and I thought we were friends?" I sighed and said, "We are, but next time call me or text me for my address. Or at least tell me if you you decide to come." He nodded, his hair whipping in his face.

     "Can I come in now?" Jason asked casually. It took all my will power not to say no and somehow I mustered a, "Yes." He was smiling like he had won a battle and I opened the door, escorting him in. "Who's this, Katerina?" asked Elena, as I stepped back inside. I gave the best smile I could manage and said, "Elena, EJ this is Jason. Jason this is Elena and EJ." Jason smiled, nodding and said, "Nice to meet ya both."

     With a smile EJ walked over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he gave me a really quick kiss. My face flushed. In front of Jason, really EJ, I thought. Jason raised his eyes and said, "So this is your boyfriend?" He made it into a question so I replied, "Yes, yes he is." Jason leaned against the couch, looking EJ up and down.

     "How old are you EJ?" asked Jason. EJ smiled and said, "I am almost 14 and you?" Jason nodded, smirking, and said, "I am 11. You seem a little old to be dating Katerina. In fact you seem a little old to be in 7th grade." I cut off EJ and said, "For your information Jason. I am almost 13 and we will be in 8th grade anyways."

     Again he nodded as if were inspecting an especially interesting piece of art in an museum. I sat down on the floor and EJ followed my actions, though Elena went to lean against the couch by Jason. Could this get anymore awkward?, I thought. I felt like we were on an island and Jason and Elena were a team and EJ and I were. Elena and Jason had found the food and we were starved.

     I dug my head into EJ's, fortunately deodorized armpit. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer he whispered in my ear, "What's wrong, little dove?" If I started cry any time soon I swore would hit myself with a pan. It pained me to be in the same room as my love and as the boy I couldn't get out of my head. I sighed and whispered, "Nothing." I was glad that Elena had started up a conversation with Jason.

     EJ stroked my head. I knew that I'd have to wait till High School for our relationship to be more intimate or what not. I was just glad I had EJ there to comfort me, in my time of frustration. "Is Jason your friend?" asked EJ. I coudn't manage to speak, or I swear I would have cried. I manage to nod though. I knew these tears were not of sadness, but of frustration. I tucked my head out from under EJ's arm and headed to the bathroom.

     I grabbed a tissue and what do you know? I had started crying! I sniffled, blowing my nose, and headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a cooking pan. I heard my name being called but I hit myself hard with the pan and soon became succumbed in darkness.

My New Life (Book 2 of My Life Flipped)Where stories live. Discover now