Schol again, School again

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Oh how the summer ends and school begins. New friends, new teachers, and lockers. Scratch off the new friends unless newly arrived people and new teachers and lockers come with middle school! I was alittle afraid as to what people may welcome me as. A celebrity, a regular person, or just like turn their heads away. I could survive as long as I had EJ, Alicia, Elena, and Grace, right? Yeah of course they'd stick with me. I knew it.

     My morning started out as usually a pillow fight with Ashlee, tuggle war with my shirt, and a water fight with the bathroom sink. When I stepped out of the bathroom soaking wet, Megan gave me a disapproving look and walked away. I felt my face flush and then I ran up the staires to retrieve my backpack and shoes. When I was walking back down the stairs I heard Megan give a whistle and she said, "Whoa, step back miss movie star, it is only middle school!"

     I wanted to fall down laughing, but I held my head straight and ran to her Jeep. Megan got in next to me and asked, "Are you excited for junior high miss Katerina?" I shrugged and replied, "Yeah I guess so, it will feel abit awkward since last year I missed like five months of school for filming." Megan looked to me as she drove and said, "Don't let kids get to you okay. They will try to lower your self esteem don't let them." I nodded and we arrived in front of the school.

     I hopped out of the car and ran to where all the kids were standing, waiting. Many faces I recognized and others were probably eighth graders that I never met. I saw EJ's brother and sister, Olivia and Chase. They did not look my way. I turned when i heard my name called. It was EJ sprinting up to me. When He was right up to me he hugged me. He literally lifted my feet off the ground, then set me back down. "Hey cutie," he said.

     I laughed and replied, "Hey handsome." He smiled and looking around I spotted Elena, Grace, and Alicia talking with a group of girls. When Alicia saw me she tapped Elena and Grace's shoulders; all three of them turned towards me. Running they all got a grip on me in a hug. I laughed, hugging them all back. "What's our famous movie star been up to lately," they asked. I shrugged and replied, "Not much really, I've been here and there."

     We giggled and the bell rang signaling us to head inside. I had my advisory class with Elena and EJ I was very happy about that. Though listening to a teacher talk for three hours about school rules, and what not gets annoying after awhile. Finally the bell for lunch went off, fortunately I had a sack lunch. I walked to lunch flanked by Elena and Grace; Alicia was soon to be found.

     As I walked down the hall, though, whispers fluttered in my direction. Kids were huddled into lockers, looking; pointing at me as I walked past. I took in a breath and pushed it past me as I walked into the cafeteria. EJ had beaten us and claimed a table in a corner of the lunchroom. I sat down and soon was bombarded with many people trying to sit down around me. Just as sudden as everyone sat down I was flocked with more questions than i could comprehend.

     I answered as many as I could possibly will out before the bell rang and just like that everyone left. I stuffed as much food as I could manage into my mouth and headed back to class. Again though students still lingering in the hallway stared and pointed at me. Whispering, whatever nonsense they were whispering about.

     When the bell rang releasing us I felt a sudden rush of relief. Which was short lived because for whatever reason kids still had something to talk about me with. What was wrong with them? I wished I had great hearing so that I could hear their whisperers, but sadly I didn't and their whispers remained a mystery. The air outside was pretty warm the sun was shining through the clouds, finally. Kidding the sun had been like that for quite a few days now.

     EJ looked at me and asked, "What's wrong, Kathrine?" I gave him a smile and replied, "I just wanna know why people were whispering about me and what they were talking about." He bit his lip and said, "They weren't the best comments for some people." I nodded and said, "I have to walk home today." EJ jumped on that and said, "I will come with you!" I laughed and we were off.

     My phone vibrated in my pocket and I fished it out, it was from Jason.

     How was ur day?

     I chewed on my lip and replied:


     I had said fine, but I knew that to be untrue. For to some I had become an enemy, to others I had become their greatest idol.

My New Life (Book 2 of My Life Flipped)Where stories live. Discover now