Help Me!

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After school I had to walk home since my aunt was "busy". Sometimes it was good, sometimes bad, but thank god the sun was somewhat out of the cloud bank today. Know why I can't say thank god for that? It is because it causes a down poor. "Great," I muttered and started trudging home. The dirt was becoming mud and I kept on getting stuck. I decided that I would walk through a drier short cut through the trees.

     As I did though I was greeted by no other than Jen, Amanda, and Christen. I so wanted to roll my eyes at them, but that would probably just make matters worse. "What are you doing out in the ran?" I asked them, "you might ruin your new clothes or," I put my hand to my face and with a little gasp sad, "your new manicured nails!" I almost snickered at my remark, but then I looked at their faces. They were out to kill. I wasn't going to show any fear, but I knew this time EJ wasn't going to be here to rescue me from their grasp.

     Jen was smirking as she said, "Well, well, well, look who we have here. Sweet, innocent, Katerina Tyler. Oh but no we have a traitor here. Someone that has reached her limit." I never thought I could be so confused, but before I could interject anything Amanda said, "Hmm, what shall we do with a bad girl like her? Toss her to the bears. Perhaps ruin her pretty little face." Yep I knew it they are out to kill. All I could say was, "What'd I do wrong?" I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from them.

     Christen was thee one who spoke this time, spitting her damp hair out of her mouth, "You're really going to ask that dumb of a question 'What'd I do wrong?' You know perfectly well what you did wrong!" Christen actually tried to spit on me, in the rain, how stupid. Jen was the one who replied, as she did though she started walking closer to me, "Katerina, Katerina, Katerina. I warned you from day one, yes? That I do not want you getting close to EJ. That is correct, right?"

     I just shrugged and nodded. All I could thhink about though was is Jen really going to hurt me or is she just going to threaten me. Amanda smiled and said, "Well Katerina when anyone has been warned but double crosses one of us." Christen was the one who finished, "You have to deal with all of us."

     Just like that I took off into the forest. Sadly, it was no help, I guess they were use to people running into the forest. Jen was on my heels, literally she grabbed my heel, causing me to fall face first into damping mud, I hoped. I kicked her off and struggled to get on my feet, but before I could Amanda landed on top of me and started punching the back of my head. I seemed to growl as I flipped onto my back and kicked Amanda off. I was going to have a massive head ache later but I needed to get away now.

     The rain was falling heavy in between the trees and I could barley see in front of me. I felt something scratch me quite hard and at the corner of my eye I saw Christen. I hissed at her, I guess, and ran faster, trying to dodge logs and loose branches. A big log came out of no where, and I tripped over it. At that moment I was defeated. Jen, Amanda, and Christen had caught up and then they started beating up on me until I lost consciouses.

I awoke to my name being called and warm liquid on my face. I groaned, feeling my face. it was blood that I found and I knew that my nose was broken, even if I didn't touch it. "Help!" I called as loudly as my sour throat could handle. The rain had stopped falling, which was a good sign. "I found her," called out a familiar, yet unfamiliar voice. I crushed my eye closed for a moment and then open them. There was a very bright light in my face, but I knew it was a flash light. I could see blond hair and mans face but I could not identify whom the man was or even the color of his eyes.

     He was bending down to me, removing the flashlight from my face he quietly said, "Katerina, can you hear me?" I could barley speak and moving me head was not an option so I just grunted. He took in a breath and said, "I am Charles Knight, i won't hurt you, but can you grunt if it is ok that I pick you up." EJ's dad! I grunted and slowly was lifted off the ground. I could tell he was trying so hard not to let me move to much. He brought me where noise and chaos was happening, I wanted to cover my ear; my hands hurt to much to try.

     All around me I could hear people saying, "Katerina!" Though my aunt's voice was the loudest. "Thank you so much, Charles!" I heard her say. Then suddenly I was being placed on what I hoped to be a couch. I was in no mood to open my eyes again. I just listen to Charles and Megan talk. Charles was saying, "I studied to be both a doctor and dentist so I know that her nose is broken, but can be healed. Also her ankle may be fractured, though I hope it is only that. Whoever or what ever did this to her, was hoping for damage. Her wrist is also sprained."

     I didn't want to hear any of that, and I heard my aunt ask, "No doctors are making house calls tonight, I mean I don't know why. Would you mind doing what you have to to help her, please." I heard him sniff a little and then he said, "I bet I can, or at least I hope I can."

     Whatever happened next I didn't know about, because I soon went into a deep slumber, that I didn't want to be awoken from.

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