Two little surprises

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A couple months has went by since I had had the side-effected medication. I have a new and working medication now. Though I only need it for my occasional pains, my ankle was pretty much healed, and my nose was on the mend. It is January a month before I get to start shooting Book of Dreams. I was getting very excited, for that. Everything in my life was swimming along smoothly.

     Until my parents gave me an unexpected surprise...

     So I started my day, like a usual day. Rolled out of bed, played with Ashlee, got dressed, ate breakfast. All that stuff. I went to school and after the first recess we had, i was just sitting at my desk, do my class work when our principal came in. He said, "May I please speak with Katerina Tyler for a moment?" My teacher nodded and flagged me forward.

     I got out of my seat reluctantly and walked slowly up to the front of the room. I felt the eyes of my classmates, burning a hole through the back of my head. What did I do?? I thought to myself. I am innocent, innocent, I tell you! I wanted to say that. I wasn't even sure if i was in trouble though. It would just make me look like an idiot.

     The principal led me outside of my class room, by lightly touching the top of my shoulder. Then he led me to where the front of the office was and we stopped. I turned to face him; he didn't look mad. Knowing me and how bad I am at understanding facial expressions I could have been wrong.

     "What do you want?" I asked as casually and innocently as I could muster. He gave me a wide smile and said, "You are not in trouble Katerina, if that is what you think." I gave him a sly smile and then he continued, "Your aunt called us, to tell us to inform you that your mother had twin babies today."

     The shock hit me in the chest like a punch. My mom, pregnant! Without even telling me she was! "Are...are you sure, she said that?" I asked, stuttering a little. He nodded and replied, "Did you not know that your mother was due to have babies?" I shook my head and whispered, "I had no clue, she normally tells me everything." He touched my shoulder lightly and said, "You can stay out of class for a little longer, so you can comprehend."

     With that he walked away and I slunk against the wall. I was happy she had the babies, i was mad that she didn't inform me about her being pregnant. I wanted to cry, weep as hard as I could. tears wouldn't come. I just hoped that mom was taking care of these babies. I wish I knew if they were girl, boy, or boy, girl twins.

     Sprinting towards home would do no good in the long run. Also it wouldn't be fun trying to see through the rain that was pounding the ground. I took a deep breath and then composing my face; I walked back to my class room. I hesitated outside the door and then walked in. I kept my head down again; this time though since I had started crying now.

     Everything was silent for a moment and then the teacher continued to speak. I layed my head down on my desk, trying to wipe away the stupid tears that just kept coming. I felt a light touch on my back and looked a little over my shoulder to see EJ touching it. He gave me a smile and I returned it the best I could.

     I was all too happy when the bell for lunch rang. I stormed off the the girls bathroom and stayed in there, just eating my lunch and sobbing quietly. I wish I wasn't crying, there was no point. If my mom had told me about the babies before hand, I would not be hinding from the world. I was shaken from my thought by a voice that said,

     "Katerina, are you in here?"

     It was Grace; I was a little surprised since Grace didn't talk to me much. I was expecting Alicia or Elena, but Grace was fine too. I held my breath, not making a move to alert her of my location. "Katerina, I know you are in this stall, I know those are your boots," she said. I wanted to stomp my foor, because of course she'd recognize my boots, I wore the same ones almost every day.

     I decided to be nice, so i got out of the stall, to face the world. "Were you crying?" she asked, once I stepped out of the door. I nodded slightly. "What's up?" she said. "My mom had twin babies today. I am not crying because of that, I am crying because she tells me everything She never told me though about those stupid babies!" Grace gave me a hug and said, "Parents make mistakes and anyways we get to go home early today." I nodded, forgetting why we got to go home early. I followed Grace out of the bathroom and to the classroom to grab my stuff.

     Megan was there to pick me up. I got into the car throwing my backpack to the back seat. She looked at me and asked, "The principal told you?" I nodded and said, "How come she didn't let me know about her being  pregnant?" I heard Megan sigh and she said, "She thought you'd love the surprise of it. You look unhappy though." I closed my eyes and replied, "I am, because I hate certain surprises like that.

     We were now driving on the road back to the house. "Well," she said. "We have a video chat set up for when we get home. She still is in the hospital but she wants you to see your brother and sister." I was actually quite happy to know that they were boy and girl twins. "What are there names?" I asked, quite curious. "She'll tell you," was all she replied.

     When we got home, i jumped out of the car. I ran inside and saw the laptop on the coffee table in the living room. I sat down in front of it. "Just wiggle the mouse, she'll be there," called Megan. I did just as she said and sure enough i saw my mom, in a hospital bed; holding to bundles of blankets. "Hi momma," I said. She smiled at me, i could see her glowing. "Kat! Oh baby, I want you to meet your new brother and sister."

     My dad appeared in the screen and took a bundle of blue blankets. He showed me that a baby lied inside of them "This is your brother Nickolas Charlie Tyler," he said. "Aww," was what I replied. He took the pink bundle of blankets and showed me a girl "And this is your sister Arabella Katerina Tyler." I wanted to cry again, my sister and I switched names. I smiled and said, "So adorable!" My mom spoke again, "Baby i am sorry we have to cut this short, but the nurse needs to do some stuff." I nodded, blowing them a kiss, I closed the laptop.

     Nickolas and Arabella had no idea what was in store for them. They'll love it anyways. I oushed the laptop back and smiled at the ceiling. No longer was I mad at my mother, seeing those babies was enough for me.

My New Life (Book 2 of My Life Flipped)Where stories live. Discover now