Awkward!/ New start

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Jason of all people had to have a father that happened to be a family friend! My life is just beautiful! Jason gave a quiver of the lip, it soon turned into a smirk. My mom had just notice Jason and she said, "Oh my goodness, this is Jason! He is so adorable Johnathan! Come in here Jason and meet my daughter, Katerina!" He smiled politely and said, "My pleasure Mrs. Tyler." Right then and there if I could I would kick his balls, but that would be inappropriate in front of my mother.

     My mother smiled and then escorted Johnathan away shutting the door behind her. Jason walked up to me and I turned my back. I walked over to where a stack of boxes stood. "You're really going to ignore Kat? You have serene stubbornness." I didn't respond to him and grabbing a box of clothes I head to the closet. "Silent treatment, like I've never played this game before," Jason said. I continued to ignore him as I hung of shirts. Suddenly he had a grip on my arm and he wrenched me to face him.

     "Let go of me now," I ordered him. Smiling he threw my arm down, "Got you to talk." I shook my head returning to my shirts and then I spoke, "Jason, first you slap me. Second you man handle me. Honestly you are a messed up 11 year old. I don't understand why you won't leave me alone! it is honestly horrifying thinking that any moment you could pop out of no where."

     I had turned to pick up another set of shirts when Jason pushed me gently against a wall and said, "Katerina, I am not many years behind you. I can see how I make you feel, nervous, especially when EJ is with us too. I know you like me in some sort of way!" I pushed him away and quickly hung up the rest of the shirts in the box and with picking up the box, I went to go grab another.

     "You don't see the connection, Kat?" Jason asked. I turned to look in his petrfying black eyes and said, "Jason, I give no one the right to call me kat so who says I give you the right to?" He shrugged and I tugged a box of pants from the pile and headed back into the closet putting them away. I looked up at Jason when I felt a hand go on my shoulder, his black eyes were pleading as he said, "Please, Katerina, forgive me, give me a second chance at being friends."

     I stood, shaking off his hand I went to put the box back in the pile. There was a set of sheets folded on my four poster queen sized bed. I grabbed the sheets and started making my bed. "Jason," I sighed. "No how much it does pain me to be around you. Something you have in your genes are very forceful persuading. Your mouth is like a motivational speaker, convincing people to be your friends. Convince people to forgive you."

     A couple minutes of silence I finished making the bed and sat down. I looked at Jason and said, "Don't try to dazel me. I forgive you, but don't expect EJ to so easily. He is honorable, he will fight if he needs to. He perfers that as a last resort. Please, Jason don't let it be one. I love EJ and I hate to see him hurt." Jason smirked and I shook my head and said, "Not because I think you will hurt him, because he seems sad after he had fought someone."

     I shook my head, glancing at my hand, and suddenly Jason placed his hands in mine. I looked up at him, he was smiling, and whsipering he said, "Katerina, I promise a last resort will not be needed from EJ." I nodded, smiling, the doorknob twisted and wuickly I threw Jason's hands off from mine. In the door stood EJ, jumping up I ran to give him a hug. He returned it, though he did not take his eyes off Jason. "Don't," I whsipered in his ear. "What is he doing here?" he hissed back.

     "Family friend, apparently," I replied, while intertwinging mine and EJ's hands. I didn't hear my mom come up the stairs but suddenly she was behind EJ and I. She said, "Good, EJ, you can stay for dinner, and Katerina I trust you introduced EJ to Jason?" I nodded without turning to look up at her, she smiled nodding excitedly. "Dinner for three," I whispered.

At about six we all sat down for dinner in a grand dinning room. it could fit like fifty people in there if we truley wanted to try. I sat inbetween EJ and Jason, awkward! "Mom," I spoke up through the chatter. "Yes dear?" she replied. "What is with all the white marble?" She smiled, giggling a little and replied, "It was on sale and i liked it." I nodded and the adults continued talking.

     I ate my dinner quietly since both EJ and Jason kept trying attempts to speak to me and at the moment they were both annoying. I excused myself from the table and ran upstairs, to my room. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I ran to the bathroom. Quickly I tied my hair up in a bun and threw up. I hadn't heard the door open but suddenly I was flocked by EJ and Jason. Stalkers!, I thought a little annoyed. I coughed and some more came out.

     I must have that random flu that was going around. It was the middle of July! I guess Forks is just special like that. I rest my head against the toilet and my mother came in, shooing EJ and Jason away. "Oh dear, you have what your father has." I stayed the night at the toilet.

New Start

It was a Saturday afternoon and EJ decided to take me on a hike. I felt much better and I could keep a steady pace with him as we made our trek through the mountain. We finally landed where he wanted to. It was like a ledge of a cliff, but in the middle was a stream and there was another wall of mountain on the other side So I guess a canyon.

     The sun was in full bloom today and it felt good on my face. "This is what my mother calls the purity canyon. Cheesey I know but it is what she knows it as."  I shook my head and replied, "No, it's a good name, this place is beautiful!" He smiled nodding. The canyon of purity was a nice place to clear my head. A new start with Jason, a bloosming love with EJ. I couldn't ask for more.

     Yesterday I had been asked to aduition for a new movie coming out and I accepted. So I still have my career ahead of me. Everything was in sweet blis. This was my new start to hopefully a new peacful life.

My New Life (Book 2 of My Life Flipped)Where stories live. Discover now