5: Two Days Ago...

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"We should get out of here" Chloe said angrily.

I touched Chloe's shoulder sympathetically. I don't know what her deal is with this Frank guy, but, he pulled a knife on her, and me. I'll do anything it takes to protect Chloe, and Chloe already showed she'd do the same. There is no way I'm going to leave her alone with a crazy drug dealer after her.

"What was his deal?" I asked.

"I just owe him some money." Chloe said, not looking me in the eye. "I didn't think it'd get this far. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Don't be." I said.

Chloe wrapped her arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around her. Our embrace felt warm, and protected. As if we were inseparable. 

"Well, Frank's found out my hideout." Chloe said, letting go of me. "We should get out of here. It's not safe."

I nodded in agreement with Chloe. We walked to her beaten up truck and got the hell out of the junkyard. I thought of Rachel, and what Frank meant by Rachel being Chloe's girlfriend. 

"What did Frank mean back there?" I asked.

"About what?" Chloe asked, her blue eyes trained on the road.

"By Rachel." I said with a lump in my throat.

Chloe was silent for a moment. But only a moment. After the moment passed she sighed deeply and looked at me sadly, then back at the road.

"Rachel and I were, a thing for a while, until..." She couldn't even finish the sentence.

"You loved her?" I asked.

"She was my angel." Chloe said, wiping away a tear. "We did everything together. I loved her yes. I miss her like hell. I just can't believe she left without me."

I nodded sympathetically. 

"But then you show up. Like some goddamn gift. And suddenly, everything is a bit brighter." Chloe said, smiling.

I blushed a little.


We got back to Chloe's house and Joyce was probably at work, and David was in his garage. We walked in the house, and David came out of the garage.

"Where have you two been?" David asked aggressively. 

"Chill out!" Chloe said, stepping in front of me. "We went to go check out Max's room at Blackwell. She has some pretty cool photos."

Chloe was lying. Why? Did she not want David to know about the junkyard? Understandable, considering the whole Frank incident. 

"You better not be sneaking out to meet with some," David clenched his fist. "Creepy people. I don't want to see you getting mixed up in the wrong crowd. Again!"

"You always hated Rachel!" Chloe spat. "She was the light of my life! And now she's gone and you're just DISSING her! How dare you?"

I couldn't bear to see Chloe be yelled at like this. And David couldn't just diss a girl who was missing, and maybe even dead.

"Just calm down David." I said. "Me and Chloe just went back to my room at my dorm. She wanted to see my photos."

I thought quick, and pulled out a photo in my bag. It was an angled shot of my room number. I showed it to David, and he sighed.

"See?" Chloe said, folding her arms. "Now just let us go back to my room."


"Thanks for sticking up for me back there." Chloe said closing the door behind her.

"I just couldn't stand to see you get harassed like that." I said, twiddling my thumbs. "I also couldn't stand that David talk about Rachel like that."

Chloe sighed and sat down next to me. I looked at her neck and noticed a little red mark on it. It looked like a mark that you get when you get shots. But why did Chloe get a shot in her neck?

"Chloe, what is that?" I said touching her little red dot on her neck.

Chloe clamped her hands on her neck and looked at me horrified. By her expression I could tell something was wrong. What kind of drugs is she into that sticks needles into necks? Chloe stood up and backed away from me a little.

"N-nothing!" Chloe spat out nervously. "I-I'm... it's... nothing!"

"Chloe it's something!" I said. "What drugs are you taking."

"No!" Chloe screeched. "I'm not taking drugs through my neck!"

"Then WHAT is it?" I demanded.

Chloe let out a deep sigh and anger was smeared across her face.

"Nathan Prescott." She said angrily.

"What about him?" I asked, taking a step closer to her.

"He... he... the little..." Chloe couldn't even get the words out. "His punk ass drugged me."

My heart sank all the way to my stomach. Nathan Prescott drugged my best friend. Why would he do something like that? Concern rushed over me like a wave.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked, touching Chloe's arm.

"I don't think so." Chloe said. "I woke up in his room to him taking pictures of me. I smashed a lamp and got the hell out of there."

"How long ago?" I asked.

"Two days ago." She whispered.


"Max, just... I don't want you to get hurt okay?" Chloe said. "Just, try to not worry about me okay? I'm fine. But I'm bringing that punk ass down."

Without thinking I kissed Chloe full on the lips. I wasn't even thinking, but when I realized what I did, I pulled away. I realized Chloe didn't pull away when I kissed her though.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I wasn't..."

"It's okay." Chloe said. "I kind of needed that."

She took a hold of my hand, and I walked into her arms.

"We're going to find Rachel." I declared.

"And take Nathan's punk ass down." Chloe said.

We held each other, and I didn't want the moment to end.

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