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I got dressed, and it seemed to take up all my energy.

This whole week seemed to drain me of the energy that I had. Getting dressed was a process, but I had to. Especially today. It was Chloe's funeral.

My phone buzzed and I slugged around and checked it. It was a text from Warren.

Hey, hope today goes okay. I'm sorry about what happened. I'll be there at the funeral, c u there.

I read it slowly, and turned off my phone. I sat down on my bed and put my hands to my head. My head was racing. Thoughts jumbled in my mind, and I felt like I couldn't go on. But I knew Chloe wouldn't want me to kill myself to be with her. She would want me to keep on living, find someone to love again. Learn to accept that she's gone forever. Move on. Find someone else to love. Raise a big family. Take over the world.

I managed a slight laugh. Chloe would want me to kick the world's ass. She would want me to be the best Max I can be. She would want me to keep on being myself. Keep on taking photos, and make it into a career.

Chloe would want me to be happy.

I heard a knock on my door. I zipped up my dress and opened it up.

"Kate." I said. "Hey."

"Hey Max." Kate said. "May I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." I said.

Kate walked into my room and started observing the room. She was respectful and didn't touch anything. She was probably worried she might accidentally bring up some unwanted memories. Bless her.

"So, you're going to the funeral?" I asked after noticing Kate's black clothing.

"Yeah, a lot of people are. Dana, Justin, even Victoria is going." Kate said.

I was silent.

"Max, I know you loved her." Kate said. "I don't care if it's against my religion, no one should lose the person they love like that. No one."

I clutched tight to Chloe's 3 bullet necklaces that hung around my neck.

"You're right." I said. "But I did. And... you can't change the past."


We walked towards the burial sight for Chloe. Joyce was in tears and David held her close. Warren and Kate walked close to my side. A bunch of Blackwell students trailed behind. I never knew how many people actually cared for Chloe. I doubt Victoria Chase actually even bothered with Chloe, but it was nice that she attended. 

We stood around the coffin as the preacher gave a few words. Joyce's sobs were heartbreaking, and that was beyond what words could explain. I began to tear up too and let them fall. I didn't resist anymore. Warren wrapped his arm around me, and I just buried myself into his chest. Warren was a great friend. A great shoulder to cry on.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a butterfly land on Chloe's coffin. A Blue Butterfly, like the one I took a photo of in Chloe's room and let Chloe have. Like the one I saw in the bathroom the day Chloe died. And now, at Chloe's funeral. 

I realized, Chloe IS the blue butterfly. She will always be following me around, making sure I'm okay, in the form of a butterfly. A beautiful blue butterfly. 

I smiled, and looked at the butterfly.

I know you're here Chloe I thought.

She will always be with me.

My own Guardian Angel.

My Blue Butterfly.

Hey guys thank you SO MUCH with the outstanding support with The Blue Butterfly! It was my VERY FIRST fanfiction I EVER wrote, and I am very happy with your support throughout the story! Let's all give a little R.I.P to Chloe, who didn't make it in (my) game, OR the book! Let's also give kudos to Kate for being an awesome friend, and kudos to Warren for supporting Max AND Chloe in the story! Thanks for sticking throughout the whole book, and expect a POSSIBLE sequel! 

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