14: It's Not Over

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Jefferson's Class was boring, as usual.

I tried to leave the class without any problems, but Jefferson stopped me.

"Max, don't think you can slip by me." Mr. Jefferson said.

I sighed and turned around and walked towards him and Victoria, who were talking.

"You haven't entered a photo for the Everyday Hero's Contest." Mr. Jefferson said.

"I haven't had much time." I said quietly.

"Max, always making excuses. John Lennon once said, 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans'" Mr. Jefferson said.

I sighed and nodded. I walked out of the class. I felt like I was about to have a mental breakdown. I popped some headphones in my ear. I just wanted this day to get over and see Chloe. She texted me and said she had something planned for today. I assume she has some date planned.

I walked down the hallways. I felt like having my breakdown in the bathroom. Quiet, where no one can see me. I saw poor Daniel getting beat up. I wished I could just stop the bullies.

I walked further down the hallway and saw the posters I saw Chloe put up. The Missing Persons poster for Rachel Amber. I know how much she means to Chloe, so I helped her put them up.

I thought about Kate. I wondered if she was doing okay. One of Victoria's minions threw a wad of paper at her in Mr. Jefferson's class today. I felt so bad for Kate. She went from a real happy girl, to really depressed in a matter of days. My heart truly goes out to her.

I reached the bathrooms and I took out the headphones. I washed my face and sighed. I felt like total crap today. It felt like the world was taunting me for some reason. I shred my photo that I WAS going to enter for the Everyday Hero's contest. But, screw that. None of my photos are good enough.

Then, I saw a blue butterfly fly in. It looked like the one I saw in Chloe's room a few weeks ago. I walked over to it and snapped a photo of it. When another door closes, another one opens.

I heard the bathroom door open and my heart dropped. I hid in the corner I was in. I didn't want anyone to see me having a literal breakdown.

"It's okay Nathan, you're cool just count to ten." A voice said.

Nathan? Crap. What is he doing here?

"You own this school. If you wanted to, you could blow it up." Nathan said like a mad man. "You're the boss."

Bullshit. What the hell are you up to? I felt like revealing myself, but I decided against it.

I heard the bathroom door open again. Hopefully someone will tell him to get the hell out.

"So what do you want?" Nathan said.

So Nathan was expecting them.

"I hope you checked the perimeter as my step-ass would say" A voice said.

Chloe? I was too paralyzed in fear to move.

"Now, let's talk bidness" She said.

"I got nothing for you" Nathan said.

"Wrong!" Chloe said angrily. "You got hella cash!"

"That's my family not me"

I felt like screaming, shouting, anything. But I was too scared to move.

"Oh boo hoo, poor little rich kid" She said. "I know you've been pumpin' drugs and shit to kids around here... I bet you're respectable family would help me out if I went to them! Man, I can see the headlines now!"

Chloe, please don't.

"Leave them out of this bitch!" Nathan said.

I felt too scared to move. I felt so paralyzed in fear. I couldn't move, just breathe.

"I can tell everybody that Nathan Prescott is a punk ass who begs like a little girl and TALKS to himself!!" Chloe yelled

"You don't know who the fuck I am, or who you're messing around with."

My heart was racing too fast. I felt like passing out.

"Where did you get that? What are you doing? Come on man! Put that down!"

I didn't see what was happening but I knew that Nathan had a gun on her. And I felt rage growing inside me, mixed with fear.

"Don't you EVER tell me what to do! I am so SICK of people trying to control me!" Nathan yelled.

I started to cry a little. Chloe, please.

"You are going to get in hella more trouble than this than drugs!" Chloe yelled desperately.

I couldn't talk, or move. All I could do was scream inside of my mind.

"Nobody would even miss your punk ass would they?"

"Get that gun away from me psycho!"


No! I jumped out from my hiding spot and Nathan dropped his gun.

It happened like I was dreaming about for a while now.

I saw Chloe's dead body on the floor.

Nathan looked at me with fear in his eyes.

I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him.

"It's not over." I said.

The Blue Butterfly (Pricefield)Where stories live. Discover now