12: Threats

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The next day we went down to the station to go and see Warren.

Chloe and I offered to pick up Kate, and she met us outside her church. We drove to the station, and Warren called us from the Jail, asking us if we were on our way or not. We got there, and I had to remind Chloe not to park in a handicapped spot, ESPECIALLY at a police station.

We waited 20 minutes, and then Warren came out, with a black bruised eye and everything.

"Well, sorry for ruining your birthday." Warren said.

"Trust me, you did anything but." I said reassuringly. 

"Is that fucker in there with you?" Chloe asked with anger.

"No, his parents came and bailed him out last night." Warren said. "I'm starting to think that Nathan is just some spoiled little rich brat. I mean, he wasn't even in the crowded cell that I was thrown in. He was put in his own personal cell. And when we got our food, I could tell he wasn't eating the jail's meatloaf."

"He's some privileged rich fucker who's got some explaining to do." Chloe said.

"I talked to my parents," Kate pipped up. "My dad gave me enough for your bail money."

"500 dollars?" Warren asked. "Even my parents won't pay that. They're convinced that I assaulted Nathan and tried to rob him. That's the story Nathan gave to the cops. My parents think that I deserve to sit in jail."

"Well you don't." I said. "And thanks to Kate's dad, you're getting out of here."


We got to the dorm grounds, and the first person I saw was Nathan, and Victoria sitting next to him.

"Great, look who decided to show up?" Chloe said sarcastically. 

Nathan looked at us and then at Victoria. He looked at us and looked very angry. Chloe started walking towards him, but I pulled her back, and mouthed "don't". Chloe sighed.

"I'm going back to my house. Text me if you need anything." Chloe said.

She walked away, leaving just me, Warren and Kate standing there, with a very Nathan approaching us.

"Oh look. It's the Feminazi, Dickhead, and their little side kick. Where's the punk bitch?" Nathan said angrily. 

"You're just lucky the cops bought your bullshit story." Warren said. "After all, you've got not a scratch, and I've got a fucking black eye."

Warren took an aggressive step forward, and I put my arm against his chest, pushing him back.

"You want to go again?" Nathan instigated.

"Back off!" I shouted.

"What's going on here?" A voice said.

I turned to see it was David. He looked at me and shook his head slightly. I bet he already wasn't happy I was dating Chloe, but now getting in trouble at Blackwell? He probably didn't like me that much.

"These PRICKS were trying to fight me!" Nathan said.

"Bullshit!" I said.

"You were the one who gave me the black eye in the first place!" Warren yelled.

"Everyone just calm down!" David said in his gruff, authoritative voice. "Now I want all of you to head to your rooms in your dorms. I don't want any trouble stirring."

I grabbed Kate's shoulder, and led her to the dorms. I looked back at Warren, and all he did was shrug.


I was in my room talking with Kate when Chloe called.

"Hey, I'm glad you called." I said.

Kate looked at me with a curious face, I mouthed CHLOE, and she nodded slowly.

"Did that fucker try to touch you?" Chloe asked.

"He threatened Warren, but that's all." I said.

"I'll take care of him, eventually." She said.

"Chloe, you can't just take on Nathan alone. You need some help." I said. "We need proof about, everything."

I was careful about my words around Kate. She didn't deserve to be dragged into this. I lowered my voice just to make sure.

"Well, he's going to get it. One way or another." Chloe said.

She hung up, leaving me worried. I looked at Kate and tried to focus on what we were doing. Tea Date, no worries, just tea.

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