13: Forever

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Chloe and I went out to the junkyard on the 5th of October.

We were pretty sure the drama had died down. Kate had been acting strange the past few days. She seemed pretty down, depressed. I just left her alone, maybe it was just something that she had to deal with on her own. Chloe was important to me. Now that everything had died down, we went out to the junkyard.

"So, what exactly are we doing?" I asked.

Chloe kissed me on the lips, slow, then slowly harder with every passing second.

"I love you." She said with a smile on her face. 

"I love you too." I said smiling.

Yet, something didn't feel right to me.

"That was kind of unexpected..." I said.

"Nathan is going down." Chloe said. "And I have you by my side. I just feel, free from a cage that I've been trapped in since my dad died. I love you." She grabbed my hands. "I don't want you to ever forget that. We'll last together, forever."

I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her slow and passionately. I didn't let a second pass that I didn't enjoy the kiss. The taste of her lips against mine was like a million fireworks were being lit off inside my stomach. I felt my heart pounding inside my chest, and I didn't care. I had Chloe. She was mine, and I was hers.


We walked on the train tracks, just walking on them. Without a care in the world. We talked about a lot of things. Eventually we both got tired and we sat down on a bench next to the tracks.

"For once, I don't care that Rachel is gone." Chloe said. "For once I feel happy. For once I feel as if I'm free from everything that has held me back all these years."

"I'm so glad you're happy." I said.

"It's because of you I'm happy." Chloe said. "You're like my guardian angel!" 

I blushed. I felt really happy around Chloe. And now that she is happy around me makes me feel a hundred times better. I'm glad I was able to make her feel better.

"I love you." I said grabbing a hold of her hand. Chloe wrapped her fingers around mind. We stared at each other for a long, agonizing second. Then she grabbed a hold of my face with her free hand and leaned in for a kiss. I leaned in too and let her kiss me. Our lips touched each others slow and steady. We kissed for a long hot second, before Chloe laid me down on the bench slowly. Her lips barely leaving mine. I lay back slowly as her lips slowly lifted from mine. She grazed her lips against mine, and I let out a small breath. I felt my back against the hard bench. I didn't care, I was with Chloe, and that was all that mattered. She grazed her lips against mine and then kissed me hard on the lips. It felt as if we were standing in the middle of a storm, kissing. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as she kissed me. She began to leave a trail of slow, and passionate kisses from my lips to my neck. I let out a small moan. When Chloe reached my neck she kissed it softly, then began to kiss it very passionately. I felt her hands slip under my shirt, and slide up my back. I didn't know what she was doing until I felt my bra strap release. I laughed lightly. She slid off my shirt slowly. I wanted her to just rip it off, but she was teasing me. I let out a small moan after the shirt was off. I looked Chloe in the eye and bit my lip playfully. I kissed her, and she took off my bra as we kissed. After we were done kissing, it was my turn to tease her.

I slid my hands slowly up her shirt, and unhooked her bra. She laughed a light laugh. I lifted off her shirt and tossed it to the side. I slid off her bra and tossed that onto the pile of our clothes. She wrapped her arms around me and laughed and started to kiss me all over. She left a trail of kisses from my lips, to my neck, to my stomach.

Before I knew it we were making the most passionate love we ever made before. And we didn't care. All we cared about was each other. And I knew that Chloe was the woman I wanted to be with forever. Forever and always. Together forever. Fighting crime like it was nothing. With love as strong as ours, we could take over the world.

I love Chloe, and she loved me.

That was all that mattered then...


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