6: Nightmare

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"Get that gun away from me psycho!" Chloe yelled.


I woke up with a start. I looked around frantically just to see I was only in Chloe's room. I looked to see if Chloe was still next to me, and she was. Sound asleep. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs, and took a few deep breaths. I told myself that I was okay, Chloe wasn't shot, and it was only a nightmare. I couldn't shake the desperation out of Chloe's voice though. It was as if it was real. So vivid, so lifelike. I just couldn't shake the feeling.

I checked my phone for the time. 8:37 am. I looked over at Chloe and sighed. She looked so peaceful, her blue hair pushed back, almost out of her face. I got my camera and took a photo. Chloe started to move and opened her eyes to see me with a huge camera all up in her face. She gave me a sly look and hit her head back on her pillow.

"Max, Max, Max..." She said, raising her arm to cover her eyes. "Always taking photos."

I shrugged and laughed a little. I put the photo in my bag and sat up. I looked in my bag for some clean clothes to wear, but I remembered, I packed nothing. 

"Uhh..." I felt awkward asking. "Chloe, you got any clothes I could wear?"

"Yeah, before Rachel left she left some of her clothes here. They're about your size." Chloe said pointing to her closet.

I walked towards it and opened it up. I looked at Chloe, and she pointed to the far side of the closet, and I picked out a set of clothes and slipped them on. I looked at Chloe, feeling awkward wearing a missing girls clothes. Chloe sat up and stared at me and smiled.

"Woah Max." She said. "Talk about rocking those clothes."

I blushed and stared down at the clothes.

"They're not really my style." I said awkwardly. 

"You look good." Chloe said.

She sat up and got dressed herself. She shamelessly changed out of her bra and underwear into new, clean ones, and put on a tank top, and some jeans, and then attached what looked like suspenders to them, and let them fall. She looked really cool, and totally different from when we were kids. Chloe put on a beanie as a finish and touch and looked at me.

"C'mon." She said. "Let's go hang out at your room in Blackwell."

"Really?" I asked awkwardly. "It's not really as cool as your room."

"C'mon Max don't be such a whine-ass." She said. "Plus, I want to see the new sluts that go to Blackwell now."


We got to the dorms, and the campus was crawling with people. A lot of them carrying boxes, some with their parents, some alone. Teachers also crawled around the campus.

"C'mon, let's get to your room before my step-ass sees me." She said.

I led her all the way up to my room before I saw a girl I met while unpacking struggling with a box, and her door.

"Here, let me help Kate." I said, opening the door for her.

"Thanks Max." She said awkwardly. "If I fumbled anymore with that I would have dropped all my photos, including my camera."

"Wouldn't want that." I said as Kate disappeared into her room.

I turned around to see Chloe smirking at me, her arms folded.

"What?" I said walking towards my room.

"Trying to flirt with some awkward, shy, religious girl?" Chloe questioned with mock and a hint of flirtation.

"No, just trying to help out." I said punching Chloe's shoulder playfully.

I opened up my room, revealing a mess of boxes that have yet to be thrown away, and a wall of photos, my guitar laying on the side of my bed, my laptop set up, and a bunch of other stuff either on my desk, or on the walls.

Chloe made herself right at home and laid on the bed. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Pretty comfortable here." Chloe said. "Maybe I should spend the night, sleep on the couch or something."

"The couch isn't big enough." I said.

"So fucking what?" Chloe said. "Maybe I'll just have to share the bed with you"

Chloe seemed to be a big flirt. I just smiled and shook my head.

"If any of us are staying anywhere it's going to be your house." I said.

"Oh come on Max!" Chloe said sitting up. "Just let me stay here for the night, I'll sleep of the fucking floor if I have to."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine, but only one night."

"Hella yes!" Chloe said.

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