10: Bad Influence

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Get that gun away from me psycho! 


I woke up naked in Chloe's room. I had the same strange dream I had just a few nights ago. I saw Chloe get shot by someone. I had this dream again. What does it mean?

I quickly remembered I was naked and covered up with Chloe's blanket. I laid my head down on her pillow and looked around the room. It appeared to be early morning. I checked my phone. 6:48 am. I sighed and rubbed my face. I felt something wet touch my fingers, and I looked, and it was blood. I wiped my nose, and it was bleeding. I quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped my nose, and tossed it into Chloe's bin by her desk.

Chloe started to stir. And I got up and quickly dressed in my bra and underwear. By the time Chloe's eyes were open I had my shirt on.

"No, take it off." Chloe said sleepily. "Morning sex is a great thing ya know."

"You're a dork." I said, slipping on my pants.

"You love me and you know it." Chloe said sitting up and walking to her closet.

I couldn't help but stare at her naked body. As she got dressed she must have noticed me staring.

"Hey Max!" She shouted me out of my daze. "My eyes are up here."

I blushed and tried not to look at Chloe as she changed.


"Hey girls, I thought I'd see you here for breakfast." Joyce said.

"Yeah, I've missed your cooking Joyce." I said. "It's nice to be back at the Two Whales Diner."

"So, what do you want to eat?" Joyce asked.

I gave Chloe a quick look and blushed. I had to resist saying "Chloe".

"I'll have some Belgian waffles. I haven't had some good ones since I left Arcadia." I said.

"Okay, coming right up. And I already know what you want." Joyce said to Chloe.

Joyce walked away and Chloe looked at me up and down and smirked.

"What?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"I saw that look you gave me." Chloe said with a wink.

I blushed and tried to cover up the fact that I was.

"Here's your Belgian Waffles, and your regular Chloe." Joyce said bringing our plates.

"Thanks Joyce." I said.

"No problem. It's good to see you and Chloe hanging around again, maybe you can be a good influence on her."

Joyce walked away, and Chloe started to laugh.

"What?" I asked, laughing while she laughed.

"I'm more of a bad influence on you." Chloe said.

I laughed and nodded.

"True." I said.

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