7: Fate

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Chloe slept on my small couch that night.

I woke up and Chloe wasn't on the couch. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I opened the door and walked out into the hallways, and walked to the bathrooms expecting to see Chloe there. I was half asleep and super tired still when I bumped into someone.

"Oh, hey Max." said Kate.

"Hey Kate." I said. "Did you see the girl with the blue hair that spent the night at my dorm walk through here?"

"Uh yeah. She walked out of the dorm area and out towards the parking lot." Kate said. "Not that I followed her or anything. I had to grab a box that my sisters dropped off."

"Okay, thanks Kate." I said managing a smile.

"No problem." She said.

I walked back to my room and changed into some clothes and headed out to the parking lot and looked for Chloe's beat up truck. I spotted it and saw her inside, smoking a joint. I rolled my eyes and opened the drivers door.

"Chloe!" I yelled.

Chloe jumped and nearly dropped her joint, and then looked at me panicked, then calmed down.

"Damn Max." She said. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Yeah well I didn't know where you were when I woke up and you were M.I.A." I said folding my arms.


We walked back to the dorms.

"I got to hit the showers." I said. "So just, sit here or something. And don't smoke in my dorm."

"Chill Max." Chloe said raising her arms in defense. "Maybe if you don't trust me we can shower together."

Chloe winked, and I blushed a little.

"Should I take that seriously?" I asked flirtatiously. 

I'll admit it, Chloe was totally cool, and really cute since I last saw her. Her attitude and style is super freaking cool. I just can't help but having even a tiny crush on her.

"Hey, you're the one who made the first move." Chloe teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just because I kissed you without thinking?" I said.

Chloe smirked at me, and gave me a quick wink. I blushed and went to the showers, thinking of what Chloe is doing back at my room.


"Chloe what the hell?" I said as I opened the door to my room.

I heard loud music as I approached my room, and my suspicions were confirmed. Chloe was blasting music from my laptop and dancing on my bed.

"Turn it down!" I said frantically pressing the VOLUME DOWN button on my laptop. "I could get in trouble."

"Awww Max, never got in trouble before?" Chloe mocked. "It's bound to happen one day. It's fate."

I thought back to the nightmare I had the day before of Chloe getting shot. What if that is fate too? And who would shoot Chloe? Frank?

"So, I've been thinking, maybe we should dig up some stuff on Rachel." I said blandly.

"There isn't much to dig up Max." Chloe said plopping down on my bed. "I've looked through everything, and, she just disappeared into thin air."

"Do you think getting drugged by Nathan had anything to do with it?" I asked.

"What? No!" She yelled. "Nathan didn't drug Rachel! Rachel ran away."

"But what if she didn't?" I asked.

"Don't say that!" Chloe yelled.

"I'm just saying..."

"Well don't." Chloe yelled.

Chloe stormed out of my room. I ran after her all the way out to the dorm grounds.

"Chloe!" I yelled.

"Fuck you Max!" Chloe yelled back, and ran out to the parking lot.

I crossed my arms and bowed my head. I felt really upset and alone when Kate and Warren walked up to me.

"Hey Max, you okay?" Warren asked.

"My best friend just ran off on me because I made her mad." I said. "Do I seem 'okay' to you?"

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