8: Kiss

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I heard a knock on my door...

I got up and opened up the door. I wondered who it was since it was 10 at night. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Chloe, and she was holding keys...

"Sorry about my blowup earlier today." Chloe said, inviting herself into my room.

"What are the keys for?" I asked, ignoring Chloe's apology. 

"I'm going to take you on an adventure." Chloe said with a sly smile.

I sighed.

"These are the keys to blackwell." She said. "And we are going to do some touring around your new school."

"How'd you get the keys?" I asked bluntly.

"Max just stop. I said I was sorry okay?" Chloe snapped. "Anyways, are you coming or not?"


Chloe and I walked quietly inside Blackwell academy. My heart pumped fast. I couldn't believe we were sneaking inside the school at 10 pm. Chloe walked in completely cool and collected, and I was still freaking out about the whole ordeal.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Anything, I got keys to the school." Chloe said looking back at me.

I look at her nervously and she rolled her eyes and lightly laughed.

"C'mon," She said grabbing my hand. "I know where to go."


The Blackwell pool. I can't believe she has the guts to steal the keys from her step-dad and sneak into the freaking BLACKWELL POOL!! God Chloe has some guts.

"C'mon jump in!" Chloe said splashing some water at me.

"I don't know, we could get in-"

"Oh just c'mon!" She insisted. "Just jump in!"

I sighed and stripped of my clothes. I looked at Chloe and I could tell she was watching me intensly as I took off my clothes. I kept that on the inside and did a cannonball into the pool. I surfaced up and looked at Chloe who was laughing.

"There's an otter in my water." She said flirtatiously. 

I smiled at her and splashed her a little. 

"You're such a dork." I said.

Chloe swam towards me and pinned me to the walls of the pool. I didn't know what to feel. I tried to keep a float as she kept hands pinned to the pool walls.

"Would a dork do this?" She said.

Then she put her lips onto my neck and kissed my neck lightly. I let out a gasp. Chloe was kissing me, she was really into me. And she obviously wasn't afraid to show it.

"Would a dork do that?" She asked more aggressively.  

I looked into her blue eyes and kissed her full on the lips. It tasted like pool water, but I didn't care.

"No." I said after I stopped kissing her.

Chloe smiled very flirtatiously and began to kiss my neck again, very gently. She led a trail of kisses from my neck to my lips and we kissed. I don't know how long, but it felt amazing, as if fireworks were being lit off. When she stopped kissing me I looked at her and her eyes were full of something. Something I've never seen in her eyes. Lust? Love?


Chloe walked me back to my dorm and we stopped when we got to my door.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Chloe asked.

I kissed her cheek.

"Definitely."I said.

"See ya Max." She said giving me a wink as she left.

I watched her as she disappeared down the hallways. I closed my room door, and laid on my bed. I replayed what happened in the pool over and over again in my mind, until I fell asleep.

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