11: Bad Birthday

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It was my birthday, and I planned to spend it with the people who I cared most about in Arcadia.

I didn't want to do anything real big or special. Maybe get some breakfast at the Two Whales Diner with Chloe, Warren, and Kate, and then hang out around town. Nothing real special.

I got dressed and I started to walk out of the bathrooms, when Kate stopped me with a huge hug.

"Max! Happy birthday!" Kate said after releasing me.

"Hey Kate. Thanks. I guess I'm an adult now." I said.

"So you said you wanted to hang out with me today?" Kate asked." "Like, our usual tea hangouts, or something else?"

"I'm thinking of hanging out with you, Warren and my girlfriend, Chloe." I said. I looked at Kate's slightly uncomfortable face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just, I didn't know you were a lesbian." Kate said. "My religion doesn't really believe in that stuff."

"I'm bisexual Kate." I said softly. "And I get it, you don't have to be like me. But you can still be my friend."

Kate brushed some hair our of her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. So, let's go get Warren?" Kate said.

"Sure." I said.


Kate, Warren and I met Chloe in the Two Whales Parking lot. When I saw her I was careful to resist kissing her for Kate's sake, but Chloe didn't care and kissed me full on the lips. I could almost sense Kate's disapproval. 

"My mom said that breakfast is on the house! For you me, and your friends." Chloe said.

"I'll have to thank Joyce." I said.

I don't think Warren and Chloe have ever met up until now. I didn't realize it until Warren extended his hand as if he was offering to shake Chloe's hand. I knew Warren had some crush on me, and I felt bad when he found out I was with some punk rocker, who also happened to be a girl. But I tried to be as nice as possible to Warren, and I guess he was just happy I was happy.

"I'm Warren." Warren said, hand extended.

Chloe looked at his hand awkwardly, then shook it reluctantly. I could almost taste the tenseness. The guy who has a crush on me, and my girlfriend shaking hands. Awkward 101.

"Chloe." Chloe said, shaking Warren's hand.

After a long awkward 5 seconds, they released each other's hands.

"So, let's go get some breakfast." I said trying to break the tension.

"Yeah let's!" Kate said cheerfully. 


We were in the middle of chowing down of some food when Chloe started to panic.

"I-I've got to go!" Chloe said, pushing me out of the way.

"Chloe where are you-" I tried saying

"I've just got to go!" Chloe said grabbing ahold of my face. "Okay?"

I nodded silently, and let Chloe out of the booth. She ran out of the diner.

"What's your girlfriends problem?" Warren asked.

Kate elbowed him and gave him a harsh stare.

"I don't know." I said.

I stood up without thinking and chased after her. I could hear calls from Warren and Kate, asking me where I was going, for me to stop. But I was worried about Chloe. A few days ago I went to her house to see her, and she wasn't there. David told me she just got in her truck and left, said she had to do something. And Lately Chloe was worrying me. She was talking more and more about Rachel's disappearance, and her being drugged by Nathan.

Chloe stood in the Parking Lot arguing with Nathan Prescott. My heart dropped.

"Chloe!" I cried running over to break up the argument.

"Not now Max!" Chloe yelled. 

"This bitch?" Nathan said angrily.

"Don't you fucking call her that!" Chloe yelled.

"Chloe, let's just go back inside and-" I tried to finish what I was saying, but I was interrupted again.

"Max! What the hell is going on?" Warren called.

I turned around and gave him and Kate a harsh stare. I mouthed the words NOT NOW, and they looked at me with concern. I didn't have time to make sure they went back into the diner.

"Why don't you listen to your little friend?" Nathan said.

"I'm not leaving." Chloe said crossing her arms.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?!" I asked.

"I'm trying to get the TRUTH out of this little fucking rich brat!" Chloe yelled.

"I told you, I didn't even fucking know Rachel." Nathan said with a voice full of anger.

"Chloe, not now!" I said.

Warren came into my line of sight, and pushed Nathan.

"Go Max! I got this!" Warren said.

I backed up, pushing Chloe out of the way. Warren hit his head against Nathan's, and Nathan lunged onto him, and beat the crap out of him.

"Warren!" Kate yelled.

A police officer ran out and pulled Nathan off of Warren. Warren's eye was black and swollen. I couldn't help but cover my mouth in shock.

The police officer put the handcuffs around Warren, and I felt rage build inside me.

"Did you even SEE it happen? He didn't even HURT Nathan!" I yelled.

"Back up missy!" The officer yelled. "He clearly started the fight. I'm taking the both of them to the station. If you get in the way I'll just have to arrest you too!"

Chloe grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. Warren looked at me sadly and shrugged. The police officer put a resisting Nathan in handcuffs, and escorted them both into his police car, and drove off. I couldn't shake off the look Warren gave me. He looked angry, sad, betrayed, and broken, all at the same time. But he just shrugged it off.

"C'mon let's go." Chloe said, touching my shoulder.

Kate followed us to Chloe's truck and we drove away from the diner.

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