15: No Right

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I held the gun pointed at Nathan. The Killer.

Tears soaked my eyes. I felt one slip past my eye and run down my cheek. I didn't care. Chloe was dead, and Nathan killed her. Now, all I wanted was revenge. Revenge was my one and only goal. Chloe was dead, and Nathan was still breathing, but not for long.

"How could you?!" I screamed.

"I-I didn't mean to!" Nathan said with his hands up. "She was just pushing me! Everybody just kept pushing me!!!"

"Oh yeah?" I said. Tears caught in my throat, but I swallowed down them, and all that was left was anger. All I felt as anger. "That doesn't give you an excuse to KILL my girlfriend!!!"

I looked at Chloe's lifeless body. I just wished she would get up and make a snarky comment about how bad she got me, and that it was all a prank. I waited a second, and nothing happened. Chloe was still lying on the bathroom floor, dead.

"The love of my life..." I said quietly. 

I trained the gun on Nathan. I had never shot a gun before. And now, the first time I'll shoot a gun, it'll be at Nathan's head.

The bathroom door burst open and David stood there in the doorway. His eyes went from me, to the gun in my hands, to Nathan, then too poor, lifeless Chloe. I looked him in the eyes and felt tears swell up. Oh David, you don't deserve to see your step-daughter dead on the ground like this.

"Max, put the gun down." David said as calm as possible.

"No! He KILLED Chloe!" I screamed, tears rushing down my face.

"Max, just drop the gun..." David said reaching a hand out to me. "Please. This can all be over, just put the gun down, and the bastard goes to jail." Even David's voice broke a bit.

"But... But..." I choked out. I had the gun still trained on Nathan.

"Max, this can all be over. Nathan goes to jail-" I interrupted David.

"That's not GOOD enough! First he drugged Chloe, now he kills her?!" I screamed. "He, he deserves to die. It's not fair! Chloe goes out with a shot to the stomach, and this asshole get's to live?! It's not FAIR!!!"

"Max, I know he does, I know..." David choked out. He had tears in his eyes. "But I don't want to see my step-daughters true love go to jail for avenging her death. Chloe wouldn't want that. Would she?"

I was quiet. I was quiet, but the room was tense. I could feel it crawling up my skin. I put my finger on the trigger and was about ready to squeeze and blow Nathan's brains out, when his cries interrupted me.

"Max, please, I'm sorry!" Nathan cried out. "I-I didn't mean to hurt Chloe, or Rachel, or anybody! I didn't want to hurt anyone! Everyone USED me! Just please! Don't kill me!"

I let my finger off the trigger. I looked at him hard in the face. My heart was racing a mile a minute. I couldn't stand it. I should just shoot him. But now he has killed Chloe, and he just confessed to killing Rachel. For some strange reason, I was glad Chloe didn't find out. But, for me to find out this way? Right after losing the woman I loved, and then finding out the missing girl me and Chloe have been trying to find out what happened to is dead... No words can explain the pain.

"You... You're the one who made Rachel go missing?" I said taking a step forward, not putting the gun down.

"Yes, I-I-I didn't mean to hurt her! It was an accident..." Nathan said quietly. "I wish it didn't happen that way."

"Do you know how much PAIN that caused Chloe when Rachel went missing?" I yelled. "DO YOU FUCKING KNOW?"

"I'm sorry." Nathan whimpered. "I didn't want to hurt anybody."

"Max, put the gun down." David said. "For Chloe. She would not want this. If you shoot him, you go to jail. Chloe wouldn't want that..."

I realized David was right.

I put the gun down to my side quietly.

"I know she wouldn't." I said quietly.

I felt David's hand rest on my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes tight and I let the tears roll down my cheeks, and I handed him the gun. I didn't want to, but Chloe would want me to. I know Chloe. She wouldn't want to see me go to jail. Not like this. He took the gun silently and I gave a deep sigh, I looked at him and nodded. He tucked it behind his back, in his belt and gave me a somber look. I felt tears running down my face like crazy. David gave me a small nod, and put his hand on my shoulder. 

David grabbed out handcuffs and told Nathan his rights. I wiped away the tears and took a look at Chloe's lifeless body. A pool of blood surrounding her. I looked away. As David took Nathan out of the bathroom, I walked with them. I gave Chloe a look. Chloe didn't deserve to die like this. Not today, now tomorrow, not ever. But here she is, lying lifeless on the bathroom floor. I never even got to tell her I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I stepped over to her body and took off her three bullet necklace. It wasn't soaked in blood, to my luck. I held it close to my heart and let tears roll down my cheeks. This will be the only thing I have left of Chloe. The only thing.

I walked towards the door and took my final look, until her funeral, if it was even open casket. I clutched her necklace in my hands. I wiped the tears away from my face and looked at her quietly. I decided to tell her body something that she deserves to know, even if she can't hear it.

"I love you, forever." I whispered.

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