Chapter 31: Broken

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Carmen tried her best to communicate with me, but all I could hear was sputters and screeches. I still had my back turned towards the car, and as soon as my feet touched the edge of the dirt road, I sprinted down the pathway.

I laughed in exasperation as I neared Barbara's  sports car. Just as I thought I would escape that madwoman's wrath, I collided with an invisible wall.

"I've cast a protection spell on the area, so I wouldn't have any runaway piggies," yelled the woman.

I continued to beat of the invisible forcefield, willing it to open. "Please, somebody, HELP US!"

"Screaming and flailing your arms won't do much once you're under a cloaking spell," she added.

I slowly turned towards her. "What do you want from me, Barbara? How can I possibly be of any use to you?!" I cried. This want the lady I once knew. This person was dangerous, and I know she was going to kill me before the day is over.

"That reversal spell you attempted didn't work," she admitted.

"Yeah right. How would you know?"

"Because that girl over there is still the same wretched human being she was after the funeral! Anyone with eyes can see that!" she exclaimed. "If you don't believe me, go see for yourself."

I approached my former friend, proceeding with undoing the rope around her mouth.

"Carmen, is it you?"

She lifted her heavy head and stared at me. I beat her back as she coughed up blood. She turned towards me and grinned like a lunatic, showing of her red tinted teeth. I couldn't react fast enough when she hacked up a bloody spit gob that splattered all over my face.

"I'm still the same bit--"

Her head lolled to the side before she got to complete her sentence.

"So...I assume you still think that reversal was a big success," Barbara spoke.

"No. But how? I recited the spell exactly."

"I'm most certain you recited the words carefully, considering the fact you've been outsmarted by a witch whose specialty is merging. In other words, you've lost your magic touch."

I shook my head in disagreement. This couldn't be the case.

"Well, try to do the real reversal spell on her then." A blue book, similar to the one I borrowed at home, was placed in my hand, and I noticed the words to this spell were different from what I had recited the other afternoon.

My eyelids were closed so I could concentrate on directing my magic to the spell. This went on for nearly 10 minutes before I gave up entirely.

"Apparently 'Barbra knows best'. You've proven your point so why don't you just fix everything and get this whole situation under control."

"Don't look at me. I never had powers to begin with. I can try and do a persuasion spell to get Carmen back to her normal self, but the rest will be on her. You got yourself into this mess when you had a secret meeting with that guy."

Barbara turned and chanted at the girl all the while sprinkling an unknown substance on her. Even in her unconscious state, you could observe the internal battle taking place just by looking at her face. She was muttering gibberish, growling, and whimpering like an animal. If I didn't know any better I would deem her bipolar or possessed.

When she became more violent I tried to remind her of all the nice things we had done.

"Do you remember our first concert? Where I lost my phone and the band let us surf the crowd? Or when we would have those weird late night group chats?"

She still showed a struggle, my words didn't have any effect on her. I sighed allowing nature to take its course.

Almost instantly, her eyes snapped open and she wheezed back to life.

"Carmen, is it you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Y-yes. It's me Jasmine, I'm finally here!" she cried. Barbara untied her hands, just to be sure the spell had worked.

I slowly went over and embraced her in a much needed hug despite her current bloodied clothing and unstable state. In my peripheral vision I could see Barbara packing up her materials into the car.

"I remember everything, Jazz, everything! It was like I could only sit in my body and watch all the damaged I caused just like a puppet!"

"It's okay. I forgive you," I said.

"NO! It's not okay. I will forever hate myself for this, I deserve to die. My actions were unforgivable, and I should've never got the privilege to earn such a loyal friendship!" she hiccuped.

"Oh that's the least of your worries, my friend. We'll find a way," I reassured her.

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