Chapter 16: Just My Luck

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"All right," announced our history teacher, "turn to page 245 in your green history textbooks, and read the little snippet-"

"Caption," someone corrected him.

"...caption underneath the photo. I want you to then state your reasoning about the mistakes made during this Great Depression in your notebooks."

"Why aren't we learning anything useful in this class?" whined one of the boys in the back row.

"We are. I'm trying to get you guys to analyze why this event occurred, and how it could have been prevented," our teacher explained.

Most of the class let out an exasperated sigh as they began their work. I agree that the government has taken out some important aspects of our education, but unlike most teachers, this one tries to help us see the truth in history.

What they've got to understand is that he can't just come out and tell us the important morals of everything, that would most likely seem out of place to the school board, and would get his job taken away. We've got to discover these things ourselves, as not to repeat history again, and develop a sense of rationalizing and understanding the world conflicts of today.

Now I see why other teachers don't try to help them understand. It's not like they'd actually want to listen and do the work anyways.

I was busy writing my response while the others complained, when a paper ball went flying into my hair.

I turned around to see Carmen and her other buddies smiling. They were encouraging me to open it.

Confused, I smoothed out the paper
in front of me. It was a textbook page with the word TRAITOR written in black ink. I turned back to them in shock. They vandalized school property AND accused me of being a traitor!

I must have reacted at the wrong time because my history teacher waltzed right over to my desk and examined the note in astonishment.

"Jasmine! What's this?"

"I don't know! Someone just thew it at me and I didn't write it!" I exclaimed.

"I know that things haven't been grand for you these couple of weeks, but I'd never thought you'd take it this far," he spoke.

"Look I have proof," I said turning to the same page number as the crumpled paper in my assigned textbook. I gasped in horror. There was no page.

They. Set. Me. Up. My own best friend was the true traitor. No wonder they sat in my usual seat.

I struggled to speak. Whenever I tried to form a sentence, jumbled stutters surfaced.

"Who do you think your fooling?" he said, "Meet me after class Miss Stone."

I slumped in my seat as the group in the back snickered.

* * *

"I didn't-"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know if I can let it slide. I know that you've never done anything bad, but this seems a little over the top."


"I can't believe one of my best students is turning bad. I'd never thought of you as a rebel."

"HEY!" I exclaimed at the last part. I'm not just a perfect goody-goody. I can take on a whole different look with no problem whatsoever. "Just let me speak!"

"Explain yourself, please."

"Carmen has been mad at me for a bit, and I believe that this is her method of payback. She thinks that I'm turning on her, and I'm not her bestie anymore, but she's wrong. I can't help it if Nina follows me around all the time!" I explained.

"Oh, I see, I see. A bit of drama going on between the two of you girls, isn't it? I won't write you up this time, but believe me when I tell you that I won't hesitate to prosecute anyone responsible for theft or vandalism in any form or fashion. You may continue on to your next class Ms. Stone," he spoke.

I thanked him before heading into the hallways. That was a close one, and if Carmen kept this up, I knew that some of the other teachers wouldn't take my explanation. I had nearly every class with that girl.

I don't know how it happened, but I ended up on the tiled floor face first. I cringed as I got up from my great big fall. My nose hurt really bad and a crowd had began to form around me.

It was dead silent for a couple of moments before someone started laughing. Then the laughter seemed to spread until the entire hallway roared with hooting and howling.

Heat radiated off my cheeks as I ducked into the restrooms to hide. I face palmed at my clumsiness. That was an epic fail, and it would soon be on the headlines of social media.

A solid 20 minutes later, I peeked out of the door to see that most of the crowd had cleared out. I had been checking periodically, but I couldn't make my escape because they didn't seem to get the memo, and sent a couple of minions to look for me in the bathroom.

I made my way to my locker gracefully without making a fool of myself.

In the time that it took to gather my belongings for the end of the day, Nina had the opportunity to pester me again.

"What's up with you guys? Do you need to go to counseling or something?"

I looked at her. Was she joking? Nope. She was serious.

"I know a councilor or two..." she trailed off.

"Look, I would accept your offer but we're not a married couple! Why won't you leave me be, I don't want your help anyways."

"I'm just trying to be a good friend. Why do you keep pushing me away? What have I ever done to you?" she asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"You're right. I haven't found you to be the direct cause of anything yet, but who knows. It could be the witchcraft," I spoke.

"I wouldn't ever dream of doing that to anyone, unless they really deserved it."

"I don't care! Just leave me alone! Your very presence just brings me down. You made me lose my best friend, and cause my ego and reputation to decline every second you are near me!"

"I didn't make you lose anything. Your just a conceited snob who only cares about popularity. Just remember that popularity does you no justice when you're six feet under," she spat before going the other way.

A flash went off. I forgot that others still occupied the hallways beside me. They saw everything, and had their cameras ready like paparazzi.

"You're screwed," said a preppy blonde.

I slammed my locker in frustration.

"That just earned you a detention," said the vice principal as she walked by.

Just my luck.

Author's Note:

Hello! I really liked this chapter, and I worked really hard on it. I think this is the longest one yet!! My summer break has just begun, so more updates are on the way!! Happy reading! ❣

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