Chapter 8: Confrontations

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I stared at him with a knowing look. David had just gotten back from some after school club, and I was paying close attention to every movement he made.

"What?" he finally asked.

"What?" I repeated, "you've been snooping around my room, that's what."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't try to act all innocent. I've had enough of your shenanigans," I said.

"Jasmine, I had nothing to do with whatever has happened," he told me with a serious expression plastered onto his face.

It didn't look as though he was hiding something. Ripping a gift from our grandmother doesn't seem like an action he would do. Maybe he didn't go through my stuff after all...

"I hope you are right," I said back before turning to go to my room.

I didn't have enough evidence to conclude that he had done so. I went on to talk to the only pranksters I knew, Harper and Henry. They're siblings who have a real knack for all things funny. They aren't some of my closest friends, but I did know them quite well. I decided to play it off via text.

Jasmine: Guess what??

Harper: WhAt?

J: I entered a contest to be on Rob Dyrek's show, Ridiculousness, and WON!!

H: oMGooDnessssss! hOw MaNy BFFS cAn U bRinG???

J: One...

H: PiCk mE! PleAse?

J: Nope.

H: :-( mY fEeliNgS aRe HuRt.

J: I'm choosing no one.

H: wHAt? WhY nOt??

J: Because you just got pranked!!! I gotcha!! :-D

H: U gOt Me tHaT tImE. I'm GoNnA mAke sUrE i GeT u L8eR. :-P

J: Oh, so you didn't trick me the other day?

H: wHat fOr?

J: For hacking into your Twitter.

H: YoU dIdn'T HaCk iT.

J: I know! I just wanted to see if I could get you again! :-P Maybe next time!

Well, no luck there. I guess I'm out of luck for today. I was staring off into space when I noticed a repetitive tapping sound on my window.

When I went over to check it out, there was a piece of paper flapping around in the wind.

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