Johnny Cade Imagine

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I was just sitting in science bored out of my mind. Then all of the sudden a folded up piece of paper landed on my desk. I slowly opened it looking around the room to see who it could be from. Everyone shrugged when you looked at them. You looked down to read it:
Dear (y/n),
You probably don't know who I am, or even care. But I'm in love with you. Really I am. Not creepily. Just I love the way your eyes sparkle and your adorable laugh, truly it is adorable. This might be kind of strange to ask. Will you meet me at the birch tree right after school?

"Johnny, Jake, James, Jeremy." Who could it be you thought. You'd just have to wait and see. Science was the last period. You looked up at the clock to see that you'd still had 20 minutes.

Why me? Why can't she talk any faster? What if I don't wanna to take notes? If you don't stop picking your nose I'm gonna come over and shove your finger so far up your nose that it comes out your eye socket. Johnny? James?

These were all the thoughts going through your mind. Somehow your thoughts had kept you occupied for twenty minutes. You snapped out of it when you heard the bell ring.

You hurriedly gathered your stuff and ran to your locker. Not even paying attention to what you needed you shoved half of your locker into your bookbag. The swarm of people yielded your movement to the door. Finally when you got out of the school you saw a boy leaning against the tree smoking. You ran towards the tree to see the boy sprint away. On the tree was a letter pinned that said:
Dear (Y/N),
If you really care about who I am meet me at the old vacant lot.
-J C

Seriously. But then you thought who in my science class name is Jc. James Carlyle or Johnny Cade. The lot is on the greasers side. James was definitely a soc. Johnny Cade. You had a crush on him since last year. You walked to the lot fiddling with the switchblade in your pocket.

"GREASER!!"was yelled from a car causing you to scream and drop your blade "Bob it's just me." "Hey babe." "I'm not your babe I'm your cousin." You were a greaser but your moms were adoptive sisters. "What are you doing on this side of town." "Kicking up some grease." "Bob go back to your side and leave them alone." "But (Y/N)." "No buts." He got back in the car and drove away.

"Wow. (Y/N) thanks for making them leave."

"Your welcome." You turned around to see none other than Johnny Cade.

"Did you write the notes?"


"You like me?"

"I love you."


"Your eyes and laugh as I said and just every single thing about you."

"Awe thanks. I've liked you for so long too"

"No problem."

"Why did you wanna see me?"

"I never talk to you at school and I just am falling deeper and deeper for you."

"Really?" You nervously asked putting a piece of hair behind your ear.

"There's no questioning about it. You're beautiful." You blushed looking down at your feet.
He came closer to you and put his hands on your cheeks.

"I really do love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too." You looked up to see Johnny smiling down at you. He bent down slightly and kissed you. When you pulled away he grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes.

"Will you be mine?"

"Nah I got the other JC." He looked at you confused. "Yes I'll be yours jeez calm down."

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