Randy Anderson

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You loved your boyfriend dearly and would never leave him, but he had finally crossed the line.  You felt insensitive considering his best friend was just murdered.  His drunkenness and foolishness had gone to far.  They had tried to drown a boy for goodness sake. Randy had came to your house early that morning to seek comfort.  He explained everything and you were just sick to your stomach.  You'd wish Cherry had never gotten mad at Bob the previous night.  

"(Y/N), please don't be mad at me...I was unaware of my actions. I would've never gone that far sober."

"That's the problem. You were drunk." 

"Oh Baby, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I need you. I just lost one of my best friends. I can't lose another."

"You should've thought about that before you almost drowned that boy." 

"Please don't go."Randy grabbed a hold of your arm in attempt to stop you. You ripped it away immediately.

"I have to go.  Goodbye Randy."

"But I love you."

"I know." And with that you turned and opened your bedroom door motioning for him to leave.  He put his head down in shame and left you there broken and in complete shock.  You had just let your best friend go.  You immediately regretted it and ran to your window to call him back in.  You never gained the strength to lift the window.  You let him drive away...

Your next few days were absolutely miserable. That day you went to the Curtis house to apologize to Pony's older brothers.  

You approached the door and nervously knocked. A buff man about 20 opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"Um, I'm looking for Ponyboy.  Does he happen to be home?  I need to talk to him about last night."

"What about it? I'll let him know when he comes home."

"Well I'm Randy's girlfriend. I want to apologize..."

"I'm sorry but we don't need your sympathy. You can go back to your side of town.  We aren't a charity case."

"I never sai...." He cut you off by slamming the door.  Well so much for that. What else happened once you left Cherry at the drive-in?  There was only one person who would know that.  Randy.  May be you should go talk to him.  You never even let him tell you the whole story.

You took a night to think about it and that led you to here.  Standing at the Anderson doorstep about to knock.  Suddenly the door abruptly opened.  There stood Randy.  You two just stared at each other for a minute staring at each other. You both went to say something.

"No let me talk Randy.  I'm so sorry for not letting you talk and explain your side.  I should've stopped and been there for you. Please let me come in. You can tell me everything. And I'll be there I won't leave you. I promise. Take me back please Randy Anderson."

"Always." He smiled hugging you tight. You sat on his bed as he started to pace back and forth.  

"It all happened so fast.  Bob was jealous because some greasers were walking Cherry and Marcia.  We went to pick up them and Bob started to argue with them.  A little while later after a few more beers we went to go find the boys that had walked the girls home.  That is when Bob got the smart idea to have some fun with Ponyboy in the fountain.  All I remember after that is the Johnny kid running up and him and Bob getting into a fight.  Then there was blood everywhere. It was on the ground and in the fountain.  We all scattered after that.  I feel awful I never should've went to help get Cherry and Marcia.  My girlfriend had went home I should've been here apologizing to you.  So that's what I wanna do right now. I'm so sorry (Y/N) for not being here.  I'm sorry I ended up doing something so much worse than getting a little drunk.  Please forgive me for not being a good boyfriend and help me change.  I love you too much to give up again."

"Randy, I forgive you and I do love you, but you're going to have to gain my trust again. It won't be easy, but it's what I can offer.  I don't want to lose you anymore than you don't want to lose me."

"I will babe. I will. You come first now, no matter what."

"Good. Now get over here and kiss me.  I haven't had your kisses in days and I need it as much as you do."

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiled and kissed you lips laying down onto his bed.  You guys were together finally. Court tomorrow and the rumble going on outside was the last thing on your mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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