Dallas Winston Imagine

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"Dally please."

"(Y/N), everyone is gone Johnny, my mom."

"Dally, I can't live without you."

"Whatever I might as well just end it." Right now me and Dally are standing outside of the general store.

"You have to be strong."

"I can't (y/n), It's my fault Johnny is gone." I grabbed  his shoulders and shook him. 

"Dallas Winston, Don't you ever say that."

"What do I have left to live for?" Now, he has his head on my shoulder sobbing. 


"What?" I grabbed his face and just looked at his blood-shot eyes. We walked in and we were looking at the magazine's cause we knew we were annoying the worker.

Then the man behind the counter stated,"Your gonna have to buy something." You both looked at him and  in unison replied,"shut up." Dallas pulled out his Heater and put it between his eyes .

"I'm tired of you punks just take the  money."He gave us all the money out of the register.  He grabbed the phone and called the fuzz. That was our cue to leave, so we took off running.

We ran to the post office they had a phone outside. Dally called Darry telling him that the fuzz were after us and to meet us at the lot. We started running towards the lot with the police close behind. Once we were at the lot the  police were surrounding us.

"Put your hands behind your head." We both did. Then Dally proceeded to pull out a heater. We both knew it wasn't loaded, but the fuzz didn't know that. On cue the rest of the gang showed up.

"ITS NOT LOADED!!",they kept yelling.

"Put the gun down." Dally listened and did as they told him for once. I am holding onto like I'm never gonna see him again.

"Okay, well I wanna see all you in court. Especially you Ms.Curtis and your brothers also. You guys are free to go." I looked at Dally in relief and kissed him.

"Hey, Dallas Quit Kissing My Sister around Me!",Darry yelled. I grabbed  Dal's hand and we walked towards the gang.

"Dally don't scare us like that again."

~~~~~Day of Court~~~~
"I hereby declare that in case of the night of Robert Sheldon's death Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis used strictly self-defense and sodapop, Ponyboy, and (y/n) Curtis will be put under  custody of there older brother Darrel Curtis." We all cheered but the quieted down quickly because we had to find out about Dally pulling the gun that night we were together.

"As for you Dallas Winston, 5 month probation and 20 hours of community service." At least he didn't get put in jail.

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