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You didn't mean to be a tag along

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You didn't mean to be a tag along.  It wasn't your choice to be at this party, but your mother insisted you leave your book and go out with a friend.  You didn't drink and you knew it was that kind of party.  You begrudgingly got out of the car and followed your friend. She got a beer almost immediately and left you to go dance. You spotted a fire and decided to go stay warm. 

At the fire, three guys were burning sticks and playing chicken to see who would let the stick get closest to them before they said chicken.  You recognized them from school, but couldn't recall there names.

"Hey (y/n)! Johnny and I were just wondering if we'd see you tonight. Dally was going on and on about (y/f/n) coming tonight.  It's always great when someone our age is at these parties. The more the merrier as Soda always says." The one said with extra greasy hair. You finally recalled the trio's names, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Curly.

"Well, I'd rather be at home reading The Great Gatsby but (y/f/n) came over and my mom wouldn't let her leave without me." You muttered rolling your eyes.

"Darry would do the same." Ponyboy stated sitting down near the fire. "So, is The Great Gatsby any good? I've always wanted to read it. I just get stuck and read Gone with the Wind. It's just so good. I just read it over and over again to catch and missed details."  Johnny and Curly left getting annoyed with the topic. You took their place and say next to him.

"You know if you ever want to borrow my book. I'd gladly let you borrow it as long as you promise to return it in sound condition. And I mean it.  It's not everyday your uncle sends you a mint condition first edition." You said putting your hand out to make a deal with him. He laughed and shook your hand. 

"It's real nice talking to a broad like you.  You actually read. I'm not too kind to grease girls like you, but you seem decent  from getting to know you at school." You smiled at his compliment. It was one of the best compliments you'd ever get from a greater guy.

"It's not the millennium yet. So yeah, I actually read. Books will be forgotten one day just watch.  Who knows maybe you or someone else could write a book about us."

" I don't think anyone would ever even think about write about such like us. We are just greasers no one gives two shits about us. "

"Aw Ponyboy don't be like that. I don't mean to sound like your brother or your parent, but there are a lot of people who care about you. We matter just as much as those madras wearing  white trash. I care about you. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't see you everyday in English class, you are the only person that excited to learn. You could even say I have a crush on you. " Ponyboy pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled a crooked smile.

"A crush? Damn (y/n), I didn't think you could get much cuter tonight. First, you get me with The Great Gatsby then you make my night telling me I actually matter to you. I think I like you too. " You immediately started blushing and looked down at the fire. "You know, We should go on a date sometime. How about Monday after school we walk to Dairy Queen, my treat? "

"Sounds amazing." You smiled and scooted closer to Ponyboy if that was even possible. You two sat there the rest of the night discussing books and the next story Pony would write.

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