Darry Curtis

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You grew up with the Curtis boys.  Mrs. Curtis treated you as her adopted daughter. You were Sodapop and Steve's age so you three were inseparable. You did everything together. Well that was until they found interest in girls other than you.

Evie and Sandy that. Evie and Sandy that. Little ole (y/n) didn't matter quite as much anymore. They were oblivious to how they were treating you. They were to caught up in their "perfect" relationships to realize that they didn't ever talk to you when you came over anymore. What made it hurt more was the fact that you were completely infatuated by Sodapop. He'd never realize or notice it because you had became so good at suppressing those feelings when he was around. 

You went to the one person you could trust more than Steve and Soda, Darry. Darry always kept your secrets and you kept his. He was always there for you when the other two got to be too much.

You started to hang out with Darry more. You two would go to movies together or on his off days drive to the river. You weren't dating but anyone outside the Curtis gang would assume so. Darry began to fill the void for a best friend you had.  Which also led to Darrel Curtis escorting you to the Senior prom.

No one expected you to come and certainly not with Darry

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No one expected you to come and certainly not with Darry. Most people at your school saw you as a loner since your two best friends moved on from you. No one thought you'd get a catch like Darry.

You and Darry mingled around. Darry caught up with his former teachers and coaches. Finally he lead you to the dance floor. You two swayed to the beat of the music. Or Darry attempted to dance to the upbeat songs. He always had a protective hand on the small of your back. He didn't want anyone to touch you. 

There was a loud roar of laughter and the two of you looked searching for the culprit. You guys quickly found Sodapop cracking up a crowd of people. Steve and Soda both looked at you and Darry. Darry felt anger boil in him and he bent down kissing you and dipping you back into it. This took you by suprise and you stared wide eyed. You soon melted into it. How could you not man could the boy kiss. Everyone just stood there shocked.  Everyone was froze until a teacher pulled the two of you apart.

"Take it outside. No one wants to see that." The teacher grumbled motioning to the door. Darry took you hand and lead you out of the gym. He made sure to put his hand very low on your back when you walked past Soda.

"Darry what was that about? Infront of Soda too! Why?" You yelled slapping his chest.

"I love you okay?!?! I'm sick of watching you mope around waiting for Soda to get his head out of his ass! I want you! I can't go a day without wishing you were gawking at my muscles and not his. You drive me crazy. The way you were swaying your hips tonight had me entranced. I know you like Sodapop, but I want you, I need you, I love you (y/n). Why can't you love me?" Darry held onto your cheeks wiping your tears away.

"Darry why haven't you ever told me?"

"You've always been so crazy about Sodapop."

"I could be crazy about you though."

"How am I supposed to believe that. Just 20 minutes ago you were mad at me for kissing you. Until you prove you could love me, I'm sorry but I just don't want to be a rebound."

"You won't Darry."

"Bye (y/n)." He sighed walking away.

So there you stood, alone and conflicted. You put you head in your hands and sat on the curb. You headed home finally tired and heartbroken. 

The next day you were awoken by a knock on your bedroom door. You ignored it just hoping it'd go away. It was Sodapop.

"(Y/n), Darry told me everything that happened last night.  Before you say anything let me talk. I'm sorry me and Steve chose the girls over you. We've been stupid. I've known you liked me for a while. I knew it before I started dating Sandy. It's just I also knew how much my older brother loved you and knew how well he would treat you. I knew I'd fuck it up and lose you. So I'm asking you to go get yourself that stupid beefcake because damn I'm sick of hearing about how hot you looked last night." You blushed and hugged your best friend.

"Are your sure Pepsi-Cola?"

"I promise Lemonade. As long as I get to be the maid of honor." You shoved him off your bed.

"You might have to fight Steve for that one."

"Alright. Alright. What are you waiting for? Get up and go get him. But fix your makeup first you look like a bloated raccoon."

"Asshole." You mutter heading to the bathroom.

Once you left your house you ran to the Curtis house ignoring the irate drivers honking their horns.  You crossed the lot waving at Johnny and booked it to the house.

You ran inside not bothering to knock and went straight to Darry's room.

"Whoa, (y/n) privacy please." Darry stood up from his bed with only a towel around his waist.

"No can do beefcake."

"What are you tal.." You cut him off by kissing him and jumping up while he held onto you.

"I need you

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"I need you. I want you. I love you." You smiled using his words from the previous night.

"I'm glad." He smiled sitting you down on the bed and kissing you. No one felt the need to visit the house the rest of the day. They knew you two were there and it was right where you two belong.  With each other.

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