Imagine for Morgan

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I'm's been so long since you requested this...but here it is


      It doesn't take much to go from Daddy's Little Princess to Daddy's Demon Child.  You traded plastic "glass" slippers for red stilettos and combat boots.  Tutus and tiaras for ripped jeans and bandanas.  Growing up  it was just you and your brother Steve.  Until puberty hit you like a freight train, then you became your brother's gang's girl.  You were as intense as any other boy in that gang.  

You started to fall for Dallas Winston.  He was your James Dean, the one guy who you could drop your switchblade for any second.  

     All fairytales have an evil dragon or a wicked stepmother.  The evil dragon of your fairytale was the wicked brother of the east.  Your brother Steve never approved of Dally and you.  Anytime You even asked Dally for a cigarette, Steve butts in and forces you to take one from him.  Dallas was the smart ass he is and knew about your little crush but he loved the way you got irritated when your brother interferes.  

   One day when running around town causing havoc you Dallas pulled you into and alley.  

    "Let's get out of here babe, and have some of our own fun."  He wrapped his arm around your waist looking down at you flashing his famous million dollar smile.  You held your hand out for his cigarette.  He turned his cheek signalling for you to kiss his cheek in trade for a cigarette.  You neglectfully kissed him and finished his cigarette. "You know sweetcheeks its about time I get you all to myself without your brother. "

    "I know i've been waiting for almost two years to get alone with you." You two walked along the street as almost a picture couple.  You came along an abandoned gas station.  You looked up to Dallas and smiled big.  You guys walked into the shop and checked out the magazines.  Dallas pushed you on the shelves and started making out with you.  His hand grazed the sides of your thighs all the way up to you breasts.  Your hands ran through his greasy tufts of hair.  

    "This isn't some strip club,that you and your little whore can come into and basically have sex all over my magazines!!"

     "What the hell did you just call my girlfriend?!?!"  Dallas pushed you behind him and walked up to the counter. He grabbed the man by his neck and started shaking him.  

    "Dallas!  Don't hurt him please!"  Dallas let the man go with a snarl. The man unsurprisingly called the police.

   "Babygirl, I think our work here is done."  Dally nonchalantly smirked, wrapping his arm around you and walking out of the store.  The two of you were met in the parking lot by three police officers.  After putting up quite a fight, you finally let them take you in.  

  It didn't matter that the two of you were being taken to the cooler.  Wherever you were it didn't matter as long as you had your Dally.

Outsiders Imagines *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now