Tim Shepard

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It's not everyday that you get pulled out of class by your best friend's brother. You were just minding your own business working on an essay when your principal entered the room and asked you to follow him.  The two of you came to the office and you saw Tim Sheppard sitting in a chair in front of it.  He  stood up when you and your principal arrived. He shook your principal's hand and your principal returned to the office.

"(y/n) sorry to hear about your uncle, but let's get out of this shit hole. I wanted to spend the day with you."

"First off, Tim do you know how mad Angela will be when she finds out we are hanging out? She is going to blow a gasket. And why would you hang out with me? I'm younger and everyone thinks I'm a slut, well I've had a few boyfriends but that's not the poi..." Tim cut you off by kissing you.

" Chill out Darling. Don't worry I got it under control. Just enjoy the day. "

"How do you expect me to do that? I just kissed my best friend's brother! She thinks me and Curly have hooked up, but not you! I mean not that I'm complaining . You are pretty dang hot." He kissed you again this time a lot longer. Eventually after a bit It got heated and he pulled you in by your neck. He left one kiss on your jawline.

"Babe, If you keep talking I'm not gonna be able to keep my lips off you and I need to drive. So why don't you shut those pretty lips and enjoy the day like I said." He convinced you . Not that you would mind his lips all day. His lips were like nothing you've ever experienced. They were soft and round, well for a guy.

After driving for a while, he drove into Windrixville. He remained quiet, but you had learned over years of being Angela's best friend that Tim was a man of few words. He had a stern face and put together, but it wasn't a rough and rude attitude it was calm and somewhat comforting. He was notorious with his gang and greasers but over the years you had witnessed a different side of Tim Shepard. A loving father-like type.

"(y/n),(y/n). Hey don't zone out yet. I'm not that boring." He shook you from your thoughts when he opened the passenger car door. You stepped out onto a cliff like overlook . It overlooked all of Windrixville and you thought you could make out some of Tulsa maybe.

"Sorry, this is amazing it's almost breathtaking. It's like you can see all of Oklahoma" You smiled leaning on the hood of his car.

"Not near as breathtaking as you." He stood in front of you and laid a hand on your cheek. "You know, I've been watching you (y/n) for years. You grew up basically with Angela and Curly. You've became quite the broad. You used to get on my nerves and I would just lash out on Angela for hanging with you.  I'm glad she didn't listen. I just want to say I don't do anything that I'm not sure about, but this I am more sure than anything."

"Oh and what's that?" You teased pulling him in by his jacket.

"Don't act like that or I might have to shut you up with another kiss."

"What a shame!" You exclaimed trailing your hands up and down his chest.

"Damn Doll. The things you do to me. You know, I can't sleep at night without thinking about your body right by mine. Well you're MINE now. I'll do this whenever I want." He kissed your lips. " and this. " he laid you on his hood. "And this." He started to kiss your neck. "You better never forget that."

"I wouldn't dream of it. Now come here and make sure I don't talk for awhile." Your boldness shocked Tim, but he was not gonna argue. You were his poison and he finally got to taste the poison that he craved.

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