Darry Curtis Imagine

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"Damn it Dally, you need to get your head out of the gutters and act straight."

"(Y/n), your not the boss so leave me alone."

"I am your sister and I am in charge of you. Besides, it's advice I used to be as bad ass as you then I got my head put on straight." Right now, me and my brother, Dallas Winston out driving home because I just bailed him out of the cooler.

"Thanks sis but I most likely won't follow that advice."
"I know." We had gotten home finally.
"Now, I have to go to work at the diner and please don't do anything you'll regret."
"I don't regret anything I do beside that Sylvia chick man wa she a hog." I slapped him. "What?"
"You don't talk about girls that way." I waved to Dallas and drove off to the diner. When I got there my manager saw me and quickly gave me a table.She pointed to the booth in the corner with a very sweaty and distressed man was sitting. I walked up to his table.

"May I get you something to drink." He looked up at me and man he was beautiful. "Oh um a coke my brothers will be here soon." "Okay, and by the way my name is (y/n) and I'll be helping you this afternoon."

"Pretty name for such a beautiful girl." I blushed, rolled my eyes to one of the most cliche lines ever, and walked away. Missy the manager gave me the coke and I walked back up to the table.

"Here you go." His brothers had arrived. The one I had seen with Dally before and the the other worked at the DX outside of town.

"Hey aren't you Dally's sister?" the one asked. I nodded. The man from before looked up and me with a shocked look. I shrugged it off and went to get the two other boy's sodas.

As I was walking back I heard arguing from the table then the first one got up and stormed outside. I sat the sodas down on there table and looked out the window to see the man sitting on the bench.

"I'll be back to get your orders."

"I don't know if we are getting anything.",the one from the DX said.

"HEY MISSY! I'LL BE BACK!! (Insert Terminator voice) ", I yelled back to her and she replied with "Go get him tiger." I walked out of the diner and over to the boy who had his head in his hands.



"You know what you're not the only one Dally is a handful."


"Hey, Darry, I'm assuming from the shirt. The grass isn't always green and you can hang your head because of a dispute. You need to have faith in the boy."

"K." I grabbed his chin.

"I'm trying to help and I'd like more than a one syllable reply."

"I'm just soaking it in.", He took an inhale of breath "I want Pony to do something great and be something. Not a failure like me."

"You're not a failure."

"Okay whatever."

"You manage to get a hold of a girl's heart in less than 24 hours." He looked up and smirked at me. At this point I was kneeling on the ground in front of him. I grabbed his face and kissed him. After a couple seconds I pulled away.

"Really.", I said while walking back into the diner laughing at his ignorance.

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