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WARNINGS: angst and death
~How I approached the severity and treatment of leukemia is purely for this imagine I do not know if they are true or mostly true. Sorry for any inconvenience.

You knew something was wrong when your mother told you to sit on the couch until your father got home. You couldn't come up with any reasons that you'd be in trouble. You had stopped smoking recently which was a monumental achievement. Your dad pulled into the drive way and you could sense the extreme nerves in the room. Your mother rushed your dad into the room. He sat down next to you. Okay, this was getting scary now.

"Sweety, you know the tests that the doctors did at the hospital when you passed out last week? Well they tested you for many diseases and yes, you tested positive for one." You father stated while your mother started to cry.

"I can handle it. Just tell me please."

" (y/n), you tested positive for advanced stage Leukemia. They aren't expecting you to live much longer and they can't do much to help. Especially not this far. I'm so sorry darling. I wish we would've paid better attention when you complained about being sick. " Your mother attempted to comfort you. You felt like you couldn't breathe. You had to get out of there. You took off barefoot and all just running down the road. Your parents knew better than to run after you. You ran to the DX. Your crappy body seemed to carried you all the way there to your boyfriend Steve. He had been picking up more shifts since it was summer break. You reached the garage and collapsed on your knees to the ground.

"Doll, what's going on? Where are your shoes? You know your lungs aren't strong enough for you to run that much. You could've called and I would've gotten you on my break. Oh sweety are you okay." Steve came out from under a card hood. When he noticed your feet and fatigued look he rushed over to you. He reached for his bottle of water on a shelf and forced you to take slow sips to calm your breathing. " Seriously (y/n) what is going on? "

"Cancer, Steve, Cancer.The doctor said I am going to die." You sobbed holding on to his shirt collar.

"What kind? How serious is it? Oh (y/n), I can't lose you."

" Advanced stage Leukemia, my parents said they can't do much to help me. I don't have much longer. Stevey I don't know what to do. I'm so young. We are so young. I don't want to leave you. I never want to hurt you. "

"Let's get married then." Steve said matter of factly. "I love you. You love me. Let's make the best of the time we have." He wiped years for his eyes and then your. He tried his best to and that gorgeous crooked smile.

~~~A week later~~~

Steve really did  want to marry the love of his life. He knew his time was limited and you got worse as the days went on. You felt most comfortable if your dad wheeled you down the aisle in a wheelchair.  You and Steve had decided to not seek medical help. It didn't have a high success rate and you'd rather die peaceful.

Your mother pinned the veil into your hair and smiled at you in the mirror. Your dress had been bought at a thrift store, but you wouldn't trade it for another dress. Your mom had let you use her veil.

Steve stood beside Soda at the end of the aisle.  He wasn't nervous. He wasn't ashamed to be getting married before he graduated. The love of his life was going to die. He needed her to die as a Randle. He saw the doors open and the same crowd arose. He saw his beautiful burdening pushed down the aisle in a beautiful dress.

That was the most memorable moments of his life

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That was the most memorable moments of his life. Seeing his future wife come down the aisle.

Later that night you two had settled into a cheap hotel room. You kept assuring Steve it was perfect and he didn't need to incessantly check for bedbugs. You snuggled into be tired after and evening of dancing. It was like you were missing the average wedding night sex. You and Steve had your first time the night you found out about the cancer. Steve wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him. He caressed your cheek as you smiled down at him.

"I love you Mrs. Randle. Dang I didn't think you could get sexier and here you go proving me wrong." He finally kissed you and pulled you in tighter. You fell asleep on top of him just like that. Later that night you rolled off and Steve sleepily interlocked his fingers with yours, so he could continue to feel your touch.

That morning Steve awoke and rolled over smiling at you. It wasn't until he felt your unusually cold hand that he finally realized his Angel had became an Angel.

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