4th Kick

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“YOU WHAT?!!” Jessie shouted as I told her what had happened inside the school’s bathroom.

My shoulders jerked from shock and faced her, rolling my eyes. “Seriously? DO I really have to repeat the things that I just said to you?” I squinted my eyes giving her the ‘Seriously?’ look.

No response.

She just sat on the sofa like she was some statue—eyes and mouth wide open from shock. A few seconds later, she started blinking signaling her recovery. “Waitwaitwait. Let me get things straight and clear.” She scooted closer to me facing sideways. “You.” She poked my chest. “Lewie Jackson, Mr. Geek-slash-social outcast-slash-wimp pinned a man who’s twice your size and not to mention the official school bully?”

I heaved an exasperating sigh. “I’m offended.” I clutched my chest and faked a sob shaking my head dramatically.

“Not the answer I’m looking for, smartass!!” She slapped the back of head and I winced in pain. “Answer me properly.” She said in a stern voice.

Dear lord—I’m going to die from all the hemorrhage in my brain. Bitch is going all mother hen on me.

“Well, yeah… Kind of…” I heaved another sigh. “That’s pretty much what I told you, right? Were you even listening to me?”

“And you say that he was scared shitless? And you made him cry?” She shot me a worried look. There it is again, that look. The look I keep on seeing when I’m around everyone.

“Yeah.” Guilt was already dawning inside me as Kyle’s scared look flashed inside my mind.

She let go of my shoulders and slumped back leaning her head on the sofa. “Were you…” She stopped. She was hesitating to let out something. “Were you… wearing that grin?” She finished.

“I think so. I remember myself grinning as I approached him before pinning him to the wall.” Her eyes flung wide open yet again.

“WHAT?” She stood up and walked in front of me. “Didn’t I tell you to stop wearing that grin already?”

That’s weird.

“No wonder he was so scared. I could imagine him shivering from fear.” She wiped her hands across her face. “THE POOR THING.”

“Hey. It was just a grin!” I stood up from the sofa. “It’s not like it’s going to kill him.” I walked past her, rolling my eyes. Jeez, what’s the fuss about me grinning.

“You… you really don’t remember do you?” She whispered in a low voice, but it was loud enough for me to hear what she said. My body jerked as I heard her words. I immediately turned around and held her shoulder, which made her body jerk from contact.

“Does…” I paused trying to muster all the courage to ask her ‘the question’. “Does that have something to do with my past?” I felt all of my energy gush out from my body. I was almost stuttering, limbs barely supporting me.

“No.” Was her blunt and immediate reply. She turned around and then shot me the look she had worn a while ago. “Just sit there. Jack and Lyn won’t be back anytime soon, so I’ll fix you something to eat.” She flashed me a forced smile. I hate that. I really hate it when people hide things from me. It was so obvious that my grin had something to do with my past. I just have to dig deeper into this issue. Slowly but surely.

Nodding was my brief reply and she turned around seemingly satisfied. She was the same with everyone… the same with mom and dad. They all had that look on their faces. They were hiding something. Something from my past. The memories that I had lost until I turned 11. For some unknown reason, I couldn’t remember a thing about most of my elementary years and I take it that mom, dad and Jessie knew something. I’ll just deal with them after I’m done with Kyle.

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