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Why why does this always happen to me? I get settled and than they come and destroy my happy life. And turn it into H***. F*** them all. Sheila yawned next to me.
"I am going to bed." She announced. "See you tomorrow!" Sheila walked to her room and closed the door. A little after I could hear soft snoring. I quietly took the note out and read it over a couple times. It read:

We need someone to die. Specifically the Knights of the Blood Oath and their friends. Guess what? You are the lucky winner! If you don't follow through with this... well I think you know what happens... All your friends die!!! :) Have fun! We will call you in five minutes for your response. We better like it.
Laughing Coffin

I choose the hard way, I won't kill the innocent. I will protect my friends with all my might. Plus, they all are capable fighters so I shouldn't need to worry too much. Right? I think I will message them all so they can be on their guard. Then if something does happen the consequences will be less drastic. I wrote a quick message and sent it to all the Knights of the Blood Oath people I knew then included Lisbeth, Kirito, Klein and others I knew. I will tell Sheila in the morning. I now regret that decision.

I woke up in the middle of the night to screaming. Sheila's screaming. I rushed to her room to find two Laughing Coffin members holding her down. A third forcing a paralysis potion into Sheila's mouth.
"Get away from her!" I screamed pulling out a dagger.
"Move and we kill her." One of them said pressing a knife the the now paralyzed Sheila. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Good girl." One of the members said. "Now listen closely. The boss is giving you one more chance. If you don't follow the order we will kill her." They said pointing to Sheila.
Then all three of them gave me maniacal smiles. "Good luck!" Then they were gone. I collapsed to the floor and put me head in my hands. Why do I do this to myself? I am solo for a reason. So know one can bribe me like this. What am I going to do?

I looked up at the Knights of the Blood Oath headquarters. Now I will either become a criminal or save a friend a different way. I sighed. My life sucks. I walked up the steps and knocked on the heavy doors.
Someone came out. "Do you have an appointment?"
"No." I responded.
"Then I am sorry but you have to come back later. We are a bit busy at the moment." The person responded closing the door.
I stopped it with my foot. "I sent the message last night concerning Laughing Coffin. I have more info prior to that message. Let me in."
The person, who I decided to call gaurd dog, eyes widened. "This way Miss. Akane."

I stood before the Knights of the Blood Oath council.
"So, let me get this straight. You want us to storm Laughing Coffin's base? Just to get one person back?" The guy on the far left asked.
"That is correct sir." I said staring blankly at them.
"Are you crazy?" The guy shouted. "We would be rising many lives just to save your friend!"
I snapped at him. "She is one of you too you know!"
"Even if that is the case," Heathcliff intervened. "This is still a unreasonable request, Akane."
I narrowed my eyes at him. This is my chance. "If you don't do what I say, I will reveal your real identity." I grinned up at him. His face visibly paled. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I will do it..." I smirked up at Heathcliff triumphant. "Unless of course you help me."
"Fine. We will help you." Heathcliff announced. The rest of the council roared in outrage.
"Quite!!!" I shouted. "Alright. Here is the plan..." This might actually work.

(A/N: Arigato mina for the 100 views! I know to a lot of people it is not much but to me it is a amazing accomplishment! I hope you are enjoying this book as much as I enjoy writing it! I am still having trouble with making long chapters but hopefully as I get more readers people will start giving me tips. Any who, see y'all next week! Thilia_Jackson.)


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