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A grin stayed plaster to my face as they crumbled into glass.
"That was fun!" I laughed as everyone stared in horror at me. Then pain shot through my head and my vision went black.

I woke up tied down to a bed.
"Can someone please free me?" I called. "Promise I won't kill you..." I smiled. A part of me told me 'Stop! This is not you!' but the rest of me ignored it. After all Sheila is dead. Yet... why am I not crying? I don't feel anything now. Why? All I want is to hurt people.
"No, stop!" I screamed. "Don't hurt people! Yes hurt them! Kill, kill, kill! Kill them and laugh! No stop! Hurt them!" I started screaming. "HELP ME!!!" Someone came rushing in. A woman by the look of it but my vision is fuzzy.
"Shh. Calm down! You are safe, everything is fine." She said in an attempt to stop my screaming.
"Nothing is okay! Sheila is dead!" I screamed back at her.
That shut her up. "I am sorry for your loss." She whispered.
"If you're sorry untie me!" I ordered her. The woman reluctantly undid the knots.
"Come with me." She told me and led me to the council room were Asuna and Heathcliff were seated along with the others that followed me to save Sheila. That was bust.
"What do you want me here for?" I asked them all.
"We are all gathered here to decide what to do with you." Asuna explained. "Due to your behavior the past two days we have deemed you mentally unstable."
" I Feel fine." I stated. I had the sudden urge to laugh. Why?
"Have you any idea what you have done?" Asuna asked.
"Yes." I stated simply.
Asuna sighed. "Then may you tell us how many you killed total yesterday?"
"7 giving me a grand total of 30!" I smiled. "Far too little!" Some people paled at my comment while others gave me nasty looks. I wonder why. Did I do something wrong? 'Of course you did! You don't talk about killing people like that!' I small voice of reason whispered.
"Shut up." I said to it.
"Excuse me?" Heathcliff said.
"Sorry, taking to the annoying voice." I responded.
"What did this voice say?" He asked
"It told me that the way I talked about killing people is wrong." I told him. "I don't know why it said that. Can you help me make it stop?" Everyone started talking quietly together.

Asuna POV

"Well that comment about the voice proves that part of Akane is still reasoning. If we can encourage that side she may return to normal." I explained quietly to the others. "We can set up times each day to talk to her."
"No way am I talking to her!" Someone near the end shouted. "You told us she called herself Akane Kayaba! Also, she was a high ranked member in Laughing Coffin!"
"So?" I said challenging them. "What does that have to do with anything? Are you denying a chance to help someone just because of their past?"
"No ma'am." They replied.
"Good. So we have a plan? All in favor raise your hand." I announced most all hands went up. "Most in favor."

Akane POV

"Why do I need therapy?" I asked puzzled. "There is nothing wrong with me."
"It is just a precaution for the time being." Asuna explained.
"Huh. I rather go and fight things." I told her.
"Yes, we know, but this is more important." Asuna attempted.
"I disagree." I frowned then smiled and clapped my hands together in excitement. "How about we fight over it! A battle to the death!"
"Um, no. Just please listen to us." Asuna said to me and walked away. "This time tomorrow!" She called back then disappeared around the corner. Hmm. This is going to be boring.

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