"Final" Floor

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(A/N: Above is the actual anime battle. This is not the final chapter. After this there will be a couple more chapters. :) )

Tick tock. I stared at the clock on my wall. I slammed my fist into causing a sign to show up: Immortal Object.
"F**k off..." I muttered. I sat on my chair and leant back. "5 months. Probably less. That's all we have left. Some of us may get lucky but, we're all screwed. I stood up to a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I called.
"Messenger from the army." A voice called back.
"Coming." I opened the door.
"The Knights of the Blood Oath have been searching for the 75th floor and are requesting for more volunteers to speed up progress. To help out report to headquarters tomorrow at noon. We hope to see you there." The solider saluted and marched back down the path.
"At least they are trying to hurry." I sighed.

The next day I was on searching duty. I was arranged with a much smaller group that last time. There was just one other person. She slightly reminded me of Sheila. While we searched she munching on a sandwich and walked with a slight skip in her step. We were given the task of seasons along the edge of the mountain range.
"Hey Akane," Missy called. "If you're Kayaba's daughter, then why don't you already know where the boss rooms are?"
"He changed up the map slightly after the beta test. The location of dungeons, boss room, etc, all got switched around and warped." I explained. "Basically I have no way of finding out where they are located without actually looking."
Missy nodded and continued walking. After a while we came to the edge of the floor where the mountain range stopped.
"Let's turn back and hope someone else has found the boss room." Missy suggested.
I nodded. "Let's hope."

When we arrived back at headquarters along with about 40 other groups someone was coming around taking reports. Missy and I were in the middle of giving our report when someone burst into the room with his partner
"We found it!" He shouted. "But you are not going to like where."
Heathcliff jumped down from his stand and walked over to the group. The three chatted quietly for a bit then Heathcliff stood up.
"Send a report out. We need to get going immediately. Call back everyone and tell them to hurry. Gather soldiers that are currently on duty." Heathcliff announced. "We leave tonight. The boss room only opens for an hour and we have thirty minutes to get there. Hurry!"
The room jumped into action. People calling to others to find their attack group and people running to find other soldiers. Within a couple minutes most groups had returned and those who hadn't were instructed to make their way to the boss room and meet with the army there.
Asuna stood at the front with Heathcliff. "When we reach the boss room we won't have much time to enter so we need everyone to move quickly. Let's try to minimize casualties. Move out!" Asuna shouted and we started at a run toward the boss room.

By the time we reached the boss room the other groups were all gathered. Heathcliff calmly took command and gave us a small speech before pushing open the doors.
"Let the hell begin." I laughed quietly. We all rushed into the boss room and stood in the middle of the room.
"Look out!" Asuna shouted. "It's on the ceiling!"
All the soldiers that were standing right below the ceiling scattered as the boss hit the ground. It was like a skeletal centipede with glowing red eyes. It moved it made sickening cracking noises and skittering that set your teeth on edge. A name popped up along with a health bar: The Skull Reaper. The first two soldiers the Reaper hit dies immediately.
"One hit..." Kirito stated. "It did that in one hit."
"We are f**ked!" I shouted jumping back as it took a swipe at me. The Reaper moved on from me to a solider near the edge of the room. It moved forward with lighting speed, jaw unhinged it slammed into a shield. Heathcliff held his ground blocking the Reaper from reaching the scrambling solider but to no avail. The Reaper reached around with its other claw and struck the solider causing him to shatter into a cascade of glass. I tried to dodge around the legs hacking at them trying to push soldiers out of the way and at least weaken the creature. Meanwhile Kirito and Asuna both were able to stop one claw from making an attack yet still struggled under its weight. I rushed to help them making a wild slash at its neck causing it to let out a roar that shook the room.
"We will attack the front! Everyone else attack the sides!" Asuna ordered. Kirito, Asuna, Heathcliff and I went back and forth attacking and blocking the front claws keeping the Reaper mainly distracted on us. The rest of the soldiers hesitantly but rapidly attacked the Reaper from the sides. It was doing hardly anything and even after death after death occurred we continued to fight. With one final burst of energy I screamed, "Death's Shadow Dance!" I leapt forward as the room darkened. Soldiers cried out in alarm and the Skull Reaper thrashed from side to side trying to see my movements. It screeched as I ripped my swords through it back running along its spine. I was running out of energy. I vaulted off of its spine propelling myself towards the head. I thrust my swords into its eyes as the last of my energy faded. I started to tumble off of the Reaper and hit the floor, the wind getting knocked out of my. I gasped for air I sat up watching the rest of the battle. The Reaper twisted in pain as everyone one attacked it. Finally, the final blow was dealt shattering it into pieces. Everyone collapsed on the ground thoroughly exhausted.
"How many did we lose?" Asuna asked.
"More than we have in a while. About 15." Kirito responded looking down. I started to stand up and walk over them, my vision swimming. I sat down right next to them and we all sat in silence. I looked up at Kirito and saw a strange look in his eye. I followed his line of seat to Heathcliff, who was standing surveying the weary troops.
"Kirito-" I started but I could not finish. Kirito had leapt up was already at Heathcliff's throat. The all too familiar 'Immortal Object' sight popped up. Shock spread throughout the ranks as people saw what had just occurred.
"Oh, well it seems I have been discovered." Heathcliff said amused.
"What the he'll is going on?" Someone shouted.
"Isn't it obvious?" Kirito growled. "It's no fun watching people play games. It is more fun to play with them. Right? Akihiko Kayaba!"
Kayaba laughed. "I guess I can't deny it now. Yes. I am the one who trapped you in this game. It now shouldn't be a shock that I am the 100th floor boss."
Outrage was clear after this announcement. They cried out and shouted some even tried to attack Kayaba but he easily disarmed them.
"Hey! She's his daughter. Why didn't she do something?" A voice I the crowd accused and I felt glares redirect to me.
I flinched. "I haven't done anything wrong. All I have done was protect my father from being exposed."
"So you knew?" Asuna asked betrayed.
"Yes." I said looking down. "But he is still my father no matter what you say or what he did. I disagree and hate him for this nightmare of a game but I still stand by my decision to not say anything."
Asuna's glare softened slightly but it still held resentment.
"I'm sorry." I said and refused to talk anymore. Attention turned back to my father with new found resentment.
"So now what?" Kirito asked.
"Now, I give you a prize." Kayaba smiled. "I will give you a chance to defeat me here and now. If you do everyone is freed back to the outside world. If I win you die and everything continues till they beat the 100th floor. Deal?"
"Fine." Kirito agreed holding out his weapons. Kayaba held out a finger and brought up his menu. Mortal Object appeared above him and everyone in the room collapsed including me I forced myself to turn my head to look at the battle that was about to take place.
"Let the games begin." I muttered. They went at each other like demons. Sword flashing and shield gloating as sparks flew through the air. Just watching made adrenaline course through my veins and a smile creep up my face. This is what I loved. A beautiful, graceful, powerful battle. The battle went on as everyone watched helpless. Finally Kayaba gained the advantage as one of Kirito's swords broke against the shield, the tip shattering. Shock passed across Kirito's face as his sword became a useless instrument. Katana raised his sword and started to bring it down on Kirito but before it connected it hit Asuna instead. She had somehow fought off the paralysis and had come to Kirito's rescue. She had a small smile as she hit the floor.
"NO!!!" Kirito shouted wrapping his arms around her. All I could do was watch in horror as my father did not move to help.
"Sorry. I guess I am not going to make it out." Asuna smiled while tears leaked from her eyes. "I love you." Then she shattered. Kirito reached out trying to grabbed the crystals but eventually looked at the ground. He raised Asuna's sword that she left and gave a weak swipe at Kayaba with it.
"I guess I need to fix that bug." Kayaba said now looking bored at Kirito's feeble attacks. He sighed stabbing him. Kirito didn't even try to move out of the way.
"You were supposed to be the hero of my game." Kayaba frowned. "I guess all heroes break eventually." As the words left his lips Kirito stated to shatter.
"Kirito!" Klein yelled. "Fight back!" But Kirito did nothing.
"Akane," My father started. "I know you disagree with this but, will you join me?" He held out a hand and gave me a heartwarming smile from my childhood. I wanted to say yes just to be with him but I morally said no.
I shook my head. "Sorry, but no. I can't do that to innocent people." My father smiled softly and nodded but then his face turned to shock. Susan's sword was through his gut. An ghost like form of Kirito stood there looking angry. He shouted and shoved the sword deeper into Kayaba's chest.
Kayaba grinned. "I guess you win." And he shattered and Kirito sighed  and disappeared into thin air. Everything started to stir again. I stood up and took charge.
"Everyone, we are all going home. See you on the other side!" I laughed and saluted them. Happy tears were shed as they saluted back and everything disappeared. I expected to wake up in a hospital but instead I found myself overlooking Aincrad.
"Hello." My father smiled. "I guess that is the last time I am going to say that."
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Watching my beautiful creation crumble..." He responded. I walked over and grabbed his hand resting my head on his shoulder.
"Father, why did you do this?" I looked up at his sad faced.
"I don't remember. I remember that it was exciting but that is all."
"That is ridiculous." I growled.
"I'm sorry." He squeezed my hand. "I am going to die here. You know that right?"
I nodded. "I figured."
"I let Kirito and Asuna go. When I am gone I need you to deal with the backlash of this. Start up a new school for everyone maybe. They have missed a couple years of schooling. I am going to integrate myself into the network and work behind the scenes. My assistant will take care of you from now on. You now have full control over my fortune and properties along with the company. I'm sorry for everything. I love you so much. You were an amazing daughter."
I smiled tears filling my eyes. "Goodbye."
"Goodbye, sweetheart." My father smiled back one last time and disappeared.

(A/N: Wow this was a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Anyway a few more chapters and this book will be done. I hope you have liked it so far. :) Sorry I haven't updated I have had finals to study for and school work to complete along with volunteering. Sorry. See you in the next chapter!)

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