Nightmare of 1s and 0s

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I sat on the edge of my bed deep in thought. It was hard to believe that we have been in Sword Art Online for more than two years now. We were running out of time our bodies would soon give out in the real world. In frustration I punched the wall and paced the room. We probably have about half a year left and a year at most, that means that we have to complete 29 floors in a year, yep this is just great. I sighed and decided to go to town, I had been at home since the last battle and have done nothing because... laziness. I decided to visit Lizbeth's new blacksmith shop on the 71st floor. She made a point to get there first to buy the best building for a shop. She sent me a message saying she was getting lots of business. Maybe Asuna will be there today. On my way there I got sidetracked at different stalls that were set up along the road and different conversations people were having nearby. I heard a bit of one that made me sad but at the same time my blood boiled. It went like this:
"When did your husband die?"
"Yesterday. The monster spawned out of nowhere. He was caught by surprise and having little combat skills died quickly. I took off and came here. That is just how life is now."
"I'm sorry for your loss."
This game was causing people to lose family members and close friends. The worst part though is that like the woman had started calling this false reality 'life now'. This is fake. All ones and zeros built in chains. We are all going to die here with that thinking. I became distracted by my own thoughts and practically ran into Liz outside her shop. She was posting a sale sign and had not noticed me walking towards her till the last second.
"Woah!" Lizbeth shouted as she turned around to come face to face with me.
"Oh, hi! Sorry, I was not paying attention." I responded.
Lizbeth smiled. "No problem. Anyway, how have you been?"
"Okay I guess. Business has been good I assume?"
"Definitely! With the new materials for weapons and armor one this floor I have gotten tons of people requesting I make custom weapons."
"That's good." I laughed, even when I was not in the mood for it. "Want to go get some lunch? I heard there is a good bakery a couple blocks down."
"Sorry, can't, I have got a long line of customers requesting stuff. But could you pick me up something? I will pay you back." Lizbeth asked.
"Sure. See you in a bit!" I called as I took off down the street. I ran about halfway there till I stopped and walked slowly taking a look around at all the people. I saw it in there eyes. Defeat. They had expected this place as there new home.
"Cowards..." I mumbled under my breath knowing I didn't mean it. I walked the rest of the way and bought a couple pastries and muffins before paying and walking back to Lizbeth's. When I arrived I had to squeeze through the door which was filled with people waiting in line.
"Hey! No cutting!" One guy yelled. I ignored him and the other angry shouts as I approached the front counter.
"Here you go." I said tossing the bag at here after taking a pastry and stuffing it in my mouth. "Now pay up, that sh*t is expensive."
Lizbeth laughed and handed me a bag of coins. "Thanks Akane. See you later!" I turned and waved be for leaving the blacksmiths. I walked around looking at other shops and stalls munching on the other pastry I stole from the bag. I bought a couple fun things I found and such like a new book and small bag of candies. I arrived back home and immediately started to read the book. About halfway through the first chapter I got a call from the knights requesting I help find the next dungeon. I told them to stuff it. I was a solider not a scout. I continued to read the book be for setting it down nd preparing dinner for myself. Same old same old. Like the real world. At that though I turned around and banged my head into the wall. No thinking about that I chided myself rubbing my head. I finished eating and went to bed. Oh how I wish I hadn't.

~In Dream~
I "awoke" in a barren wasteland full of bodies. Players bodies. I was the one left standing. I looked at my hands to see the holding a bloodied sword. I screamed and threw it the ground. The scene slowly shifted. Now I was standing in a whit room. Nothing furnishing it except for a small desk.
"Write the story." A man told me. I turned to look at him and found him with no features. "Write it."
"Why?" Everything is a story what is yours like?" Next thing I knew I was falling down a dark hole into an office of sorts. There stood my father leaning against the desk.
"Akane, how are you?" He asked.
"Dad?" I questioned.
"Yes and no. I am a mere program sent by your father to tell you one thing." He then transformed into a demon eyes glowing red. "YOU WILL FALL!" At that I screamed as his hand ripped through me.
~End Dream~

I woke up with a start.
"What the hell?" I questioned myself before sitting up. I look at the time. 3:00 in the morning. I groaned and tried to fall back asleep but was unable to due to the strangeness that was concocted in my head. I finally gave up on trying to sleep and got up leaving the house. I walked to the edge of a small river nearby and layed down.
"What is my story? Huh, what a strange thing." I said allowed remembering the line from my dream. "I don't know. Maybe I am the villain of this story or maybe I am the one who will fix everything after the hero has won." I smiled and layed back falling back into sleep.

(A/N: Hello! Been a while huh... Sorry??? I just have had trouble writing lately so sorry if this chapter is crappy. Anyway, whoever comes up with a name for this chapter gets a shout out in the next chapter. Anyway, see y'all next chapter!)

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