Breaking Point

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(A/N: Warning: Akane kinda goes a bit mental in this chapter. Just a warning)

Everyone stood outside the Laughing Coffin base. The Knights gathered everyone all the assault teams they could like the Holy Dragon Alliance. Kirito and Asuna were assigned to watch me for the time being.
"Alright. Due to sources we were able to locate Laughing Coffin's base. Though we are more skilled than them don't let you guard down." The leader of the Holy Dragon Alliance announced. "If we are lucky they may surrender. Hey a guy can dream right!" That was followed by a little bit of laughter.
(A/N: In case you have not realizing, this is the scene from SAO 2 when they show Kirito and others storming Laughing Coffin's base in a flashback)
Suddenly Kirito froze.
"What is wrong?" I asked. Be for he could respond they attacked. They were expecting us.
"Someone must have leaked are info!" The leader yelled. Everyone was launched into a full out battle. There was the ring of sword on sword and the laughter of Coffin members. I tried to disarm and not kill but as you can imagine that is really hard. The first couple were easy but as I started to get tired it became harder and harder till I had to resort to killing. By the end of the battle I had killed 4. I added that number to my count. I started keeping a count after the first incident. I now have killed 23. I gagged at the thought. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kirito calling me over.
"We questioned the people who surrendered and one said he would lead you to were they are keeping Sheila." Kirito explained.
I nodded in response. "Let's get going. The faster I find her and get out of here the better."

"Down the hall over here." The Laughing Coffin member led us toward the end of a hallway bathed in red lights. "She should be trapped in the room right there."
"Thank you." I told him and pushed open the doors.
"Don't move or she gets it!" In front of me was Sheila with a knife pressed to her throat. I froze instantly. "Good. Now listen closely we have about 20 people ready to attack you at my command. I suggest that you slowly back up and call the leaders and second in command of each group. In return you will get the girl. This is your last chance." The man holding the knife to Sheila's throat warned. This is not happening you have to be kidding me. I tried this hard to save Sheila only to have this happen. At that exact moment I lost it. I started laughing.
"You want the leaders fine I will bring them to you." I said through laughter. "But after you kill them you have to leave me alone for the rest of this f***ing game."
The guy smiled. "Deal." He knew I lost it. He knew I was going to do it.

"Hurry, over here!" I called back. They listened to me far to easily. "Behind these doors!" I said ushering them in. As they walked in I slammed the doors shut blocking them. I turned to the man
"Let Sheila go." I ordered him.
He smiled and shoved Sheila at me. "Thank you my dear." Then slowly stood up pointing knife at Heathcliff and the others.
"Akane, what is this? What did you do?" He asked.
"I am sorry. It was the only way." I told Heathcliff with a small smile.
"Why you..." He growled at me.
That was my que. "Now!" I screamed. We all drew our swords and stood back to back.
"Got ya'!" I laughed at the now snarling Laughing Coffin member.
"Attack her!" He screamed. The hidden members leapt out of hiding and attacked us. I spun around cutting at there exposed parts. One of them burst into glass. 24. I laughed. I laughed... I am officially losing it. Everyone stared at me. There was no explanation for that.
"No time to gawk." I told them. "Fight!" That snapped them out of it. We continued to fight them. Two tried to corner me but I cut there arms and head off. 26. The rest of us were doing pretty well too.
"The rest of you may either surrender or die." Asuna told them.
"I think I would rather die." One of them said. Then threw a knife which imbeded itself in... Sheila's... chest. No way did I just see that. No way...
"You did not just do that..." I growled. "You did not just..."
The person who threw the knife laughed. "Oops."
"You will pay for that!" I screamed. Words formed into my head. I grinned slowly. "Thank you father. Death's Shadow Dance!" The room instantly turned dark and my voice echoed throughout the room.
"Time to die!" I laughed. "By the hand of Akane Katana ex-second in command of Laughing Coffin!" The attackers in front of me screamed as unseen blades plunged into them. 30.
I laughed madly and grinned. "Thanks for playing!" Yep I have officially lost it and... I might not return.

Ex-Laughing CoffinWhere stories live. Discover now