Prologue - Adrian

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"So are we going to tell our parents this weekend when they come over for dinner?" Harry siddled up to the couch where I was seated and dropped into my lap. My arms came up and circled him, pulling him tight against me.

Harry was bursting with excitement and I'd done well to keep him from announcing our news to the whole pack by now. I couldn't blame him though because I was tempted to say something every time I saw our families, which was every day.

Harry and I lived in a neighborhood that contained one hundred and six houses. Each house was owned by pack members including my parents and Harry's. My younger brother Jacob and little sister Violet lived with my parents in a house just down the street. Harry's parents lived next door to them, yes I'd mated the boy next door. My uncle Sal lived across the street from them but he hadn't met his mate yet so he lived alone.

I dropped a kiss on Harry's pouting pink lips and smiled. "Yes, you can tell them."

Harry squealed in excitement. "Oh, my, gosh! Do you think they'll be happy for us? Will they cry? If my mom cries then I'm going to cry too." 

I rolled my eyes dramatically at him and grinned. "Everything makes you cry lately, sweetie."

He swatted at my arm. "That's not my fault it's my stupid hormones."

"I love your stupid hormones." I growled and rolled until I had Harry on his back on the couch beneath me. He stretched his arms up and wrapped them around my shoulders. "I love you." I took his lips in a warm and loving kiss while being careful not to lean too much of my weight into him.

"I love you too." His eyes smiled up at me from his flushed and handsome face. "Do you want to go to bed early tonight?" He fluttered his eyelids at me and I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so silly doing that but I loved every silly little thing about him.

"I'd love to. Why don't you go on up and get ready, I'll check that the doors and windows are all closed and follow you up." I got up from the couch and helped him to his feet.

I turned to check the front windows when I felt a pat to my backside. "Hurry up, I'm horny." He ran up the stairs before I had time to reply. The little minx.

I pulled back the heavy curtain over the living room window and checked that the latch was engaged. I noticed a flickering from the corner of my eye and looked down the street. I couldn't see anything out of place so I dismissed it as a reflection on the glass and continued to check that the house was secure before going upstairs to join my mate in our bed.

I was jolted out of my sleep by the sound of screams and breaking glass only two hours later. I hurried out of bed and to the bedroom window to see what was going on below. My breath caught in my chest at the sight and a red haze blurred my vision briefly.

"What's happening?" Harry asked coming up behind me. I spun around and pulled him away before he could see anything. "I need you to stay here until I come back for you. Get dressed and lock this door behind me." I scooped my jeans up from the floor and stabbed my legs into it in haste. Spotting my shoes near the door I multi-tasked and shoved my feet into them while pulling my shirt on over my head. 

"Adrian, what's happening? You're starting to scare me." Harry's voice shook and I paused for a moment to pull him against me. I didn't have time to explain things to him, just getting dressed had wasted precious time that I knew I didn't truly have but my mate had always been one to worry and it wasn't going to be good for our pup if he was distressed. "We're under attack. I need to go out there and help our people but I need to know that you're safe too so, please, baby lock the bedroom door and stay away from the window until I come back for you." I pleaded with my eyes for him to heed my request.

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