Chapter Twenty-One - Niko

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I'd made an excuse to mates that I needed to go to the store for something and slipped out of the house to follow Ginny to school. She'd been quiet when she got home yesterday and had locked herself in her room with a claim that she had to finish a project for one of her classes. I'd scented the lie on her but I'd said nothing to Owen or Adrian about it. Instead I'd listened to her moving around her room, waiting for her to try to sneak out again. But she hadn't.

I turned the next corner and saw Ginny just up ahead. She was leaning against a garden hedge looking at her phone screen so I stayed out of sight. I watched her for a few minutes until a man jogged across the street and stopped in front of her, his face and hers breaking into mirrored smiles. "Son of a bitch!" I hissed and his head snapped in my direction. His eyes widened in fear and I took large menacing steps towards him. "Explain yourself," I growled at him.

Ginny who'd been standing gaping at me seemed to come to her senses. She stepped forward between me and her would be suitor just as I reached them. "Niko, no!" She said sternly.

"A-Adrian asked me to watch over G-Ginny," he stuttered. He held his hands up in front of his chest, palms out.

"He asked you to follow her home, yesterday. He didn't ask you to approach her or smile at her like you want to do inappropriate things to an underage girl!" I stepped around Ginny and caught Peter by the collar of his shirt. I pulled him close so I could whisper menacingly to him, "No one will be able to find all the pieces of your body if I find out you've touched my sister-in-law."

"I didn't I swear!" He clawed at my wrist trying to free himself. "I haven't even tried to kiss her. I just wanted to see her again. I wouldn't dream of claiming her until she's old enough." 

My face morphed in shocked surprise. "What!?" I let go of his shirt and looked at a pale-faced Ginny. "You better be fucking with me Peter. Are you claiming Ginny is your mate?"

His spine straightened and his shoulders rolled back to push out his chest. He jerked out his chin and faced me proudly. I could respect him for that. If he cowered and ran from me then he wouldn't be worthy of Ginny and the wilful girl would probably have run circles around him, keeping him on his toes. "Yes, Sir. I scented her yesterday when I went to the school to follow her home. I approached her and explained who I was to her. I knew she already knew about us."

I heaved a breath and rubbed at my aching temple. Owen was going to lose his shit over this. Ginny was only seventeen and Peter was twenty-five. He was older than that Mark kid and Owen had thought he was too old for his sister. "You," I pointed a finger at Peter. "Be at our house this evening for dinner. We need to talk!" I turned to Ginny next. "And you, go to school!"

She nodded and turned to leave. Peter turned to follow but I caught him by the back of his shirt. "Go home, Peter!" I hissed.

"But-" he began to protest.

"Do yourself a favour and don't make Ginny a widow before you make her a bride." I pushed him in the direction of the pack house and fell into step beside Ginny. "Your brother is going to shit kittens." I warned her.

"Oh," she said fake-innocently. "Did Adrian knock him up?"

I growled and glared at her but she just smiled back at me and continued walking.

"We've got an issue." I said walking through the door after walking Ginny to school. Owen was in the hallway. 

"What's wrong?" he asked me, his face turning serious.

"What's going on?" Adrian joined us from the living room and crossed his arms over his chest.

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