Chapter Eleven - Adrian

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We entered the kitchen and found Ginny already up and dressed and eating a bowl of cereal. From what Owen had told me he usually had to keep calling her to get her out of bed in the mornings.

"Hello, brat," Niko said affectionately. "Why are you up so early?" He ruffled her hair as he passed her on his way to rummage through the refrigerator.

"I was woken up by thumping and noises that no one should hear coming from their brother's bedroom." Ginny made a face and gave an exaggerated all-over body shiver.

"Oh. My. God!" Owen went beet red and covered his face with his hands.

Ginny shrugged and swallowed her mouthful of food. "At least I knew you were feeling better."

"I think we've finally found a way to get you out of bed in the mornings too." Niko chuckled and started breaking eggs into the pan he had on the stove.

"Don't make any of those for me I have to get going." Niko and Owen both turned to look at me. I wasn't trying to be a bastard but I needed some space to process everything that had happened. I hadn't come here with the intention of claiming, or being claimed by, my mates but it had happened and though I didn't regret it I was still trying to get my head on straight.

"You have to go?" Owen approached me cautiously, like a wild animal that would spook easily. I took pity on him and pulled him close for an all too brief kiss.

"I have work in a few and I need to shower and change. These clothes are starting to really smell bad." I laughed. It wasn't a lie. I'd stayed over without a change of clothes.

"Do you need a ride a home?" Niko asked.

"No I'm going to shift and run, but thanks for the offer." 

"Be careful there're a lot of people around at this time of day." Niko didn't look happy with me for not taking his offer of a lift but he let it go and turned back to the eggs.

"I will. I'll wait until I'm well hidden by the trees before I strip and change."

"Wait, what? You're going to strip? Outdoors where anyone could see you?" Owen looked outraged and I stopped myself from smiling at the cuteness of that because I didn't think he'd be impressed with that.

"As shifters we're used to that. I know how to make sure there's no one in the area that can see me." I kissed him again and said goodbye to Ginny who mumbled her reply around a bite of toast. "I'll call you both when I get a chance later," I promised and then left feeling three pairs of eyes watching me go.

When I made it deep enough into the woods I removed my clothes and folded them neatly, then I tied the bundle together using the laces from my sneakers, tying both ends from one shoe to the ends of the other. I caught the tied laces between my teeth after I shifted and walked through the trees in the direction of my home.

I slipped through the large doggie door at the rear of the house and walked through the kitchen into the living room. Kennedy was sitting on the couch with Jacob and I cocked my head at them. I remembered what Niko had said about Kennedy's scent and I took a large draft of air into my lungs trying to pick up on any subtle changes that might be there in his scent. I couldn't smell a difference.

"Uh, Adrian, what are you doing?" Jacob asked looking at me like I'd finally lost my mind.

I shifted in the living room, dropping my bundle of clothes to the floor. "Nothing," I replied embarrassed at being caught sniffing my brother-in-law. "Is there anything either of you need to tell me?" If they were having a pup surely they'd already know, right?

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