Chapter Two - Adrian

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It was time for me to escape to my room and get ready for my shift. My brother Jacob had returned from his own shift as a fire fighter not too long ago and he was currently on the sofa with his mate Kennedy. The two were sweet together, very affectionate and loving. It hurt my heart to watch them. I was happy for my brother but I ached for Harry. 

I kept him locked in my heart but I never talked about him with anyone, not even Jacob. He didn't even know that we'd been pregnant. That was something that we'd planned to tell our families together and now it seemed wrong to tell anyone when he wasn't here with me to share it. Besides, now there was no pup.

"I'm going to get ready." Jacob tore his eyes away from Kennedy just long enough to acknowledge what I'd said. I left them to make dreamy eyes at one another and got washed up before putting on my paramedic's uniform. I sat on the side of the bed to pull on my shoes and caught sight of the photo frame beside my bed. I picked it up and ran my finger across the cool glass surface, stroking the smiling face beneath. It was a picture of Harry that I'd managed to salvage from our house when Jacob and I had finally found the courage to return to our ruined homes.

I took a shaky breath and set it back on the night stand. I finished lacing up my boots and grabbed the bag of spare clothes I always brought with me in case I was once again subjected to projectile vomiting or a gushing wound. There wasn't a bodily fluid that I hadn't been decorated in at one time or another and I was always happy to have a fresh uniform at hand in those cases.

I jogged down the stairs and grabbed the door handle saying goodbye to Jacob and Kennedy as I opened it. I was hoping for a quick escape from the lovebirds in the living room but apparently that wasn't meant to be.

"Adrian, can you come in here for a minute," Jacob called out and I was tempted to tell him I didn't have time especially when a familiar scent drifted to my nose. I avoided that scent when possible but there was an underlying scent that tickled my senses and piqued my curiosity. I found myself backtracking to the living room door.

As expected my brother and Kennedy were joined by Niko, the shifter claiming to be my mate. What surprised me was the smaller man pressed against Niko's side with one of Niko's beefy arms wrapped around him. I surprised myself with the possessive growl that tore from my throat at the sight.

Niko extracted himself from the stranger and took a step forward with his hands up in a defensive gesture. "It's not what you think Adrian."

I scoffed at the cliche words and rolled my eyes. "I don't care what it is," I lied. "I'm glad you've finally taken the hint and moved on. Do you think it would have been so easy if we were really mates like you claimed?" I cocked my head to the side in question. I didn't want to hear his reply so I turned my back on the room to leave.

"Adrian," a sweet voice spoke up behind me and I could hear feet moving across the floor. I kept walking to the front door but as I once again reached for the door handle I was stopped by a slender hand on my wrist. "Can we talk please?" he implored.

I was now surrounded by that other scent and it sent a surprising jolt of lust through my system. I looked closely at him, taking in every feature and detail about him including the fact that he was human. He was gorgeous with big expressive eyes and delicate facial features. He was built like a twink which wasn't my usual type, even Harry had been larger than a twink though he'd been somewhat delicate for a shifter. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Um," he bit his bottom lip provocatively but I could tell that it wasn't a deliberate move. "Niko thinks that we're all mates, um I mean the three of us." He pointed between us and then looked over his shoulder at Niko who'd followed us.

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