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There was music, dancing and more food than we could all possibly eat. It was a day of celebration, a day that I would remember forever as one of the most perfect in my life. Niko, Owen and I had all bound ourselves together forever. 

Bram had performed the ceremony at the little gazebo in the park just before dark. Hundreds of little twinkling lights decorated the structure and made it seem magical as dusk fell and all our family and friends were there to share in our joy. Afterwards we returned to the pack clearing to celebrate our mating/wedding.

Owen insisted on calling it a wedding. It was his human tradition so we didn't correct him. A mating was so much more than a wedding. It was more permanent and unbreakable. Even death wouldn't truly break our bond it would just leave a hollow that could never truly be filled. That was one of the reasons why I was so grateful for finding a second chance with Owen and Niko. They made me feel whole again and understood that Harry would always hold a piece of my heart.

Back at the clearing by the pack house the other members of the pack had surprised us with a large four course meal and a beautifully decorated cake that Casper, our resident baker had made especially for us. On the top of the cake sat a realistic looking sugar paste Owen who was flanked on either side by two black beasts, a wolf and a panther. Casper was an artist.

I instinctively wound my arm around the lithe warm body that wrapped itself around my side and lowered my head to inhale the familiar scent of Owen. "Hi, baby." I grinned down at him and was pleased to see the happy look on his face.

"Hi. Today was perfect!" He burrowed his face into my neck and placed a kiss there.

"It was. You're officially our mate now."

"And you're both mine."

"We are," Niko said coming to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around both of us and I leaned back against his chest in contentment.

"Awe, don't you three just look adorable." Kennedy stood in front of us holding his baby daughter and grinning like a crazy person. "I remember my mating ceremony, the other Casper was here and had broken into our house before we got home. He'd loosened the screws on the bed frame so when Jacob and I got home to - you know - the frame fell apart. I thought Jacob was going to kill that vampire. Turns out he did us a favor. Floor sex is the best sex. You have more room to roam without worrying about falling over." Kennedy winked at us and scurried away.

"I'm suddenly glad that I stayed at the pack house for two weeks after they mated," I said shivering at the mention of my brother's sex life. It wasn't a visual that I wanted.

"Do you think we should check our bed? Was that a subtle hint that one of them was going to do that to us?" Owen asked wide eyed.

"They wouldn't be that stupid." Niko looked around the clearing. "Where's Jacob?"

"I haven't seen him since we cut the cake," I told him.

"Damn it, I'll go check our house for honeymoon booby traps." 

"We'll come with you," Owen said enthusiastically. I chuckled and followed his beautiful butt out of the clearing to our waiting car.

"Shouldn't we have told everyone that we were leaving?" Owen asked climbing into the back seat.

"That would only give them time to warn whoever is at our house that we'e coming," I told him.

"There might not be anyone at our house. Kennedy might just have been reminiscing about his wedding night," Owen argued.

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